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just a huge Nightmare

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I woke up this morning and thought to myself, what if none of what I think is real really is. I mean What if this is hell? I just can't believe that any of anything that has happened is real, I keep hoping that im in some sort of coma or something, maybe just dreaming this nightmare and one day I'll wake up and realize it's all ok. It's possible you know, I could be in this huge coma writing to a bunch of people I just dreamt up . I could probably do anything I wanted, Maybe if I killed myself, Id end up right back where I am now. am I the only one who has ever considerd this possible?

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No you are not - many people do, but then they realise that what they see is what they get. And start to cope with it as best they can - and mostly, despite sometimes being in deep despair, they find their way clear and all of a sudden realise that they are happy after all. Just like you will if you try.

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I think you've been watching too many movies


Sure - I think this is a valid question. Since the beginning, people have wondered what is life, what are we, what is real? Yeah... I think it's possible - our lives have been a dream and when we wake up, we'll find out that we're someone else who has been in a coma for years and years. If you're interested in pondering this further, you should consider taking a philosophy course, or reading a book like Sophie's World, which covers many of the major philosophers of history.


Happy pondering!

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No, I've thought about such things before too. But you must realize, if it really WERE a dream, it would mean you could control it; the thing is, you can't. That's what living is, an uncontrollable environment that is in essense detrimental to our well-being. However, there are those times in life that you wish would never end, and it's those times that keep me going and keep me waking up everyday. If you've nothing to look back on, look ahead. If you've nothing to look forward to, then look back.

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I think you've been watching too many movies


Sure - I think this is a valid question. Since the beginning, people have wondered what is life, what are we, what is real? Yeah... I think it's possible - our lives have been a dream and when we wake up, we'll find out that we're someone else who has been in a coma for years and years. If you're interested in pondering this further, you should consider taking a philosophy course, or reading a book like Sophie's World, which covers many of the major philosophers of history.


Happy pondering!


cogito ergo sum

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Oh yes - but since you say that you are dealing with some problems, DN is right - you should focus on trying to sort them out. I know I say this a lot, but I personally hated high school and didn't have the best teen years. My life improved 1000x once I moved out of my house and started college. There are brighter days ahead. Never forget that. Chin up, ok?

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Yaeh I think I may just do that. I have tried to ba happy, I have felt like this forever but it hasn't gotten better so when I woke up this morning I decided it's not real, none of it. I may as well spend some of this wasted dreaming time learning some good ol pholosophy hmm, sounds good. thanks.

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Your post just reminded me of a passage from Stephen Hawking's book, A Brief History of Time. It's a great book - I highly recommend everyone goes out and reads it. Here it is:


"A well-known scientist (some say it was Bertrand Russell) once gave a public lecture on astronomy. He described how the earth orbits around the sun and how the sun, in turn, orbits around the center of a vast collection of stars called our galaxy. At the end of the lecture, a little old lady at the back of the room got up and said: "What you have told us is rubbish. The world is really a flat plate supported on the back of a giant tortoise." The scientist gave a superior smile before replying, "What is the tortoise standing on?" "You're very clever, young man, very clever," said the old lady. "But it's turtles all the way down!"


Most people would find the picture of our universe as an infinite tower of tortoises rather ridiculous, but why do we think we know better? What do we know about the universe, and how do we know it? ... Recent breakthoughs in physics ... suggest answer to some of these long-standing questions. Someday these answers may seem as obvious as the earth orbiting the sun - or perhaps as ridiculous as a tower of tortoises. Only time (whatever that may be) will tell."

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the things that made me happy are gone now. that's why I know this isn't real. other things that used to make me happy don't anymore.


Do puppies make you happy? What about sunsets? Animals make me happy, so I spend as much time with them as possible. I watch every sunset I can. I also like Vin Diesel movies (as some of you may know! ) and they make me happy. I also like donuts, as you see by my avatar. However, I can't eat them every day, my butt would get too big.


The things you like can be really simple. Go out and try to seek those moments of joy in your life!

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DN was right

Cogito Ergo Sum (Latin) It mean i think thereforeee i am

Rene DesCartes came up with this

Rene basically hypnotized himself into dismissing evertything he was ever taught. Thorugh rational thoughts and deep probes of his mind he kept coming back to the fact that since he could think coherently and come up with new ideas that he must be real.


Des Cartes was the third greatest philosopher in my book behind of course Socrates and God (whichever form he or she might come in).

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one of my old really good friends, well not old as in age, old as in a while ago. I never really dealt with it so I guess that's why I'm freaking out now. He died 2 years ago in a car crash. And when I lost him, I lost another friend My ex who is one of the best friends I have ever had (and still have a lot of feelings for). And I guess I didn't totally lose this one, my mom. She is hardly ever around and I can't go visit her even though she is only a few homes down from me because her husband hates me and he used to abuse me, yet she kept him and made me move around for a year maybe longer. Ok and this one is going to sound dumb to people that haven't ever had a pet they have loved, but the only animal I ever really cared about is gone and has been for ever now. He died 2 years ago cause, well i wont go into that. but I miss all of this.

the things that are bothering me the most is my mom, and My 2 friends.

I just don't wanna go into detail about those two situations, but they were really hard on me and no one was ever there for me, I didn't/ don't know how to deal with either of them (the issues) and It is killing me. I used to think I could just put up this huge wall and it would never bother me, but It came down hard around a month or two ago and it's really bad right now.

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I was never a fan of DeCartes. He invented the cartesian coordinate system because he was sick in bed and wanted a way to chart a fly's flight around the room. He was also mean to animals.


Oh nevermind - that is getting off topic. But, yes, I think it would be good for you to read about some different philosophies, and think about them, and see which ones you identify best with. I think it's good stuff to think about...

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Maybe you don't always have to meet your Mom at her place. Why don't you ask her to go shopping with you or go for a coffee. Meet on neutral ground so to speak.


Also think about friends that you have now and how they could help you.

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Oh sweetie - I'm sorry! As for your pet, maybe you can get a new one? My cat died in high school, I never thought I'd love another animal again, but then I got another kitty, and I love him too, but in a different way.


I think you should talk to someone about your feelings - like to a school counselor or a therapist. Have you read the articles on grief and loss on this website? It's hard dealing with losses. My dad died when I was 11, but I've been dealing with the loss for years. It seems to me really hard to deal with all at once - it comes in waves, if you understand what I mean. As for your mom - that is rough. I think you should understand that I don't think this is you. I think your mom has made some bad choices, and unfornately, you're the one that's suffering as a result. I definitely think you should talk to a school counselor or something.

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