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I guess this goes here....

I've been eating a lot less the past couple of days, I'm trying only to eat when I'm hungry (duh). So would it be better to eat less right away, or to slowly eat less. Less calories in=less weight possibly gained. Yes I know to eat like 6 smaller meals and excersize, but eating less right now will be easier. I stoped drinking pop, some diet pop though. I try and do more stuff outside, but I got some lazy friends too. Just looking to lose some weight in general. Any ideas?

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eat healthy & substitute junk food for fruits & vegetables.


if your craving something crunchy eat an apple or carrots instead of chips as a snack.


somethin sugary to remedy your sweet tooth...eat fruit, raisens, or have a glass of juice.


you have the right idea with eating about 6 smaller meals & exorcising than not eating. props to you for wanting to feel healthier & look better. goodluck.



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Eat healthier- more fruits and veggies, less hamburger more chicken those kinds of things.

Also there are tons of things you can do besides going to the gym- you could go for a walk outside, take up a sport- it's summer now everyone is outside!! Volleyball, basketball, tennis, softball, take a run on the beach, play with your dog in the park, take up yoga or pilaties, or both!! There are endless ideas!!

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Thank you for the compliment. Its bad I know, but today I barley ate. Just don't feel like it, I walked around a lot too with my friends and no one had money to buy anything to eat.

BTW, if I have the choice of chicken or beef, its almost always chicken so thats a start. I've been trying to start a baseball team with friends and friends of friends and stuff. Too bad most of them smoke, I doubt they will make it past first base.

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well in weight watchers you get a certin amount of pts according to how much you weigh and as you start losing weight you start eating less. It's not a good idea to just go and start starving yourself, IF your not hungry that's one thing, but if you are you can eat something good for you and something with protien so you wont get hungry as fast again. running is fun for exercise too. And if you drink all of your water it really helps you lose the lbs fast. to know how much to drink, just take your body weight, divide it by 2 and drink at least that much in oz a day.

good luck.


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Its not that I'm starving myself, just wanna lose weight. My brother basically starved himself(we both gained weight when mom had to move) and I think that stunted his growth. He is almost three years older than me and I am taller than him.

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Just to get my sweet 2 cents in, definitly do not starve yourself The best bet is to set yourself a definitive calorie intake diet. Just say you limit yourself to 2200 calroies a day. Now 2 large big mac meals are rougly about this. However thats about 20-30 salads! A hell yes i love salads. So you see, eat all you want, but make sure its healty. Also get to the local gym and jump on a treadmil. When your body runs out of fuel to burn, it turns to the fat stores. This is why you loose weight. So limit yourself in calories, and burn off that extra body fat

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