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Okay. The guy I like...back on this topic again...

I'm so sad I can barely stand it, I'm so upset all the time now...his brother's birthday was today so we went to Sky Mania. His brother went also with his friend. He was acting the same and stuff but sometimes he would walk outside and I would be sad. It sounds stupid...also, he's really depressed, because this girl he likes doesn't likehim and he's really horribly sad, it's making me sad, a) because I care for him so much and don't want to see him upset and b) because I realize that if he's so into this girl, he's not with me. It's so awful and I hate how I feel! I HATE IT! I want so see him a lot, I want to talk to him, I want to hug him, I want him to know that I care for him. But I'm afraid that I won't get that. That's the one thing I hate the most about this.

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Hi Linzy, I read your old posts for backstory and found this


A long time ago when I liked him, I wrote a note to him saying I liked him. He said I was a lil young (not that young) and that's all he said about it...


OK. I know you want to think he's changed his feelings for you, but he's clearly pining for this other chick who isn't you. It isn't fair and it's driving you crazy I'm sure. But deep down you know that if he really wanted to date you, there's nothing stopping him.


I know this feels like the end of the world, but it really isn't. If he doesn't like you that way, it doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with you or that you'll never be happy or experience love. It just means that this one boy doesn't feel exactly the same way you do.


Like you did for him, I could tell you, you deserve much better, but I doubt you'll listen. Like him, you're choosing to pine over someone, because you're not ready to let go. So I'll just say, the more you focus on something you can't change (his feelings), the more it's going to hurt, but we'll be here for you if you need to talk. Take care!

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At (I guess I can say our age) a large majority of the guys date if the girl is hot. Yeah pretty stupid isn't it? I'm not one of those guys, but I'm not saying physical attractiveness isn't important, because it's a half of what to expect from a relationship besides personality.


He's just sad because of his infatuation with this girl didn't extend out to a date.




I think when he put that your too young, he's hiding something; an explanation why. Well he's 16, right? Well then, he's probably afraid if he went out with you that you wouldn't be mature enough or as fun. Like your not good enough to fill her spot. Yeah...this is a really crappy feeling isn't it? Unfortunately I'm beginning to think with my problems I have this going on with myself too.

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