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Crush or Love?

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love is something much more powerful than a crush and is more commonly mutual although it doesn't have to be. A crush is having strong attractions to a certain person however love is something that is much deeper and stronger that is hard to explain.

Here are the dictionary definitions,




1. A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.

2. A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance.

3. An intense emotional attachment.




1. A fancy or particular liking or desire for.

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well guys, dont u think crush could be turned to be love. It is also difficult to differentiate whether you are in love or you have a crush when you are in the middle of the feeling. Like when you see the girl you love or have a crsuh on her, you wont be able to judge your feelings at the momment. Time only will tell you the truth. It needs time to know your real feelings.




You could continuee and reach love or you can just have a crush which will be swept away by time. I hope for you that you love her and she loves you.

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But how does a guy knoe he loves a girl or a girl loves a guy when they haven't met every guy and gurl in world!?


I mean a guy could say he loves a gurl and then later meet another gurl and feel something for her too!?!?! like a crush which in a way is "Mild love"


It doesn't make sense but I'm trying to establish the difference here



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