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like him but never been in a relationship before


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So i'm a student at uni and been single forever. About a year ago i met a guy at a party that i kinda liked. We saw each other at times at a student club we both like and were always a bit flirty although we're both more on the shy side so things went slow and most of the time we got pushed by our friends. So his friend told me that he was into me and i made a move, we hooked up but at the end he asked me to join them for a afterparty but i declined since i was with my friends and we all go home together and also wasn't sure if it was a hint for going home with him, ons (which i'm not interested in) it continued with us meeting at this club and flirting but i always went home. Last semester he was out of town on an exchange and now that he's back he contacted me asking me and my group (mentorgroup for exchange students ) if i wanted to join him and his group on a preparty at his corridor. I went and we had a cute but very short convo before he went with his friends. Later on that night (at the actual party) he messaged me asking if i was still there and that he was heading home and if i wanted to come. I told him no since i promised my friend to go with her, he said bring her too, it's a afterparty! but she wasn't feeling it so i said no and that i need to wake up early but next time! He hasn't replied since (and we never really casually chatted, always at parties or invites) Now the thing is i feel like i've turned down so many times and it's my turn to reach out but don't know how at this point? I know he's interested and 'd like to give it a shot but if i ask him to go to a party again i'm afraid it'll come to the same point as always. Also i've been thinking of going home with him but 1. Im always with my friends so feels weird to go alone and leave them and also i do feel some judgement at times when it comes to going home with guys from them. 2 it's always so late and i unfortunately still live at home so not the easiest. 3. Im kinda scared if i were to follow since i'm not that experienced (never been in a relationship before) so i've had a fling but had i hard time making it work in bed i guess so also would that be something to point out to him? say that i'm kinda a virgin?? or say something beforehand?? Idk what to do?:upset:

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