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aww your cute!

haha no worries dude. kissing...no big thing.


kissing anywhere is fun. my boyfriend kisses me on the lips all the time. but it like gives me shivers when he kisses me on the cheek, like at random times, its adorable. also, he has this thing where he bites my ear with his lips, NO TEETH..haha unless ur sure it wont hurt.


and asking a girly out, anywhere really...probly in a private place would be ideal. you dont want ur little friends to be giggling when u ask her. try to stay clear on online asking out, email...even phone call is better than that. but in person in the best.

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I've only experienced this once in my life, but I'll never forget it... When I was a senior in high school, my friend's college age cousin dropped by. He was very tall, sexy, and confident. When I was introduced to him, he kissed my hand while looking deeply into my eyes and said he was glad to meet my acquaintance. I was instantly smitten by his warm smile and laserlike focus (just like every other girl who met him.) Nothing ever came of that, but oh yeah... I was high off that moment for weeks!


With someone you want to date, I think it's good to start small and watch the other person's reaction. If at each milestone, she responds positively, move to the next step: First trying holding her hand. Next putting your arm around at the movies, caressing her shoulder. Kissing her on the cheek, and then slowly kiss her closer and closer until you're kissing her lips. When you reach her neck and start gently kissing her there, she should be like putty in your hands. The rest you'll have to figure out yourself.


As for asking a girl out, make the first date short and fun. Ask her if she'd like to eat lunch with you or go on a group date with several other couples. If it goes well, ask her to go see a movie, preferably a romantic comedy. Be chivalrous. Dress nicely. Open doors for her and pull out her chair when you're dining out. If she likes you, these little things will blow her away.

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