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I havent had a dream about my ex since about 3 months ago when we broke up. But i just had this dream, I was in my kicthen, and everyone informed me that it was going to get extremely cold on earth. Everyone was leaving the planet and suddenly my ex shows up at my house, and comes in to my house. It shocks me, but she doesnt even mind whats going on around her, puts her arms around me and tells me "its good to see me agian". We start talking to each other and smiling. She kisses me and we get real intimate, but I then remember she has a boyfriend and I suddenly backfire with a "whoa", but she just smiles and tells me its ok..we start playing around and she tries to put a broken off pretzel in my ear *I just lost my earing and had to put a broken off ear swab in it *, and she tries to fit it in the ear I dont have a peircing in. But she kisses me agian, and I go in the kitchen to make some food, as i see everything frozen outside *its florida here by the way*. We tell each other I love you, and i smile at her. Then I just wake up shaking, pretty much the same thing thats been happening the past 2 weeks since shes told me shes had a boyfriend.


Just thought id share it with everyone, it feels good to have a dream like that about her, but I almost broke down when i woke up . If only dreams could tell us face to face what they ment.

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whoa bro....I have beeen broken up with my ex for almost a year now, she has a bf for like 6 months. I tried the friend thing, but i couldn't do it. It has been NC for past 2 weeks and all of a sudden the past 2 nites I have dreamt of her. We kissed and hugged and basicaly it was like we were a couple. The worst part is when you wake up!

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Yeah man, its like the dreams try to tell you something, but you gotta do a step my step proccess to figure it out, I always thought dreams are prophets of the future *If only some bluntly were*. Im also trying the NC deal now, and theres no use being "friends" if we dont communicate, plus it hurts to much to have this "false hope" so, I guess the only way to communicate with her right now is in my dreams . And also, I wouldnt of even minded the fact of earth freezing over heh .

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