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I don't know if you've read my other posts but I like this guy, but today I was talking to him, he was depressed cuz there's this other girl who he likes (his ex gf) and she doesnt' like him. I keep telling him that he's too good for her but he doesn't believe me. I feel really bad that he's depressed and it makes me sad that he doesn't like me. I thought he might, he might in a slight way. I told him hints that I like him. Like today I said, "the one is somebody who feels for you and who cares about you, and that one might be right under your nose." then on another site I changed my name to "right under your nose" so hopefully he'll get the hint. I'm sorta shy so I can't come on too strongly. Can somebody help me please!?

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Well, sometimes guys don't like certain girls for really stupid reasons (I've done this several times haha), like a really common one is that they aren't hot or at least almost hot...but they'll have a good personality. Another one is (this is a reasonable one) when a girl acts really stupid and giggly (ditsy) guys hate that. We think your mental when you act like this, stop it.....it's really annoying....and you complain why some guys don't like you, THERE YOU GO!




Some tips on getting his attention, changing your clothing style. Easiest way to get a dude's attention is to like wear some skirt and make sure he sees it. Most guys love girls that wear skirts. Wear black on your upper body, (not goth) everyone finds the opposite sex more attractive with black on the upper body. You won't notice it because you probably be looking at the person's eyes. But you'll think "Hmm I wonder why he/she is more attractive today than usual?" It's because their wearing black...or they smell good, there is a bunch of reasons lol.



Plus guys can ignore these little games women play to get our attention for FOREVER, the best way just to end all of your built up emotions and misery is to just tell the guy you like him, BUT ONE IMPORTANT THING LADIES YOU MUST DO, when you tell a guy you like him, have your # already written on a piece of paper, and hand it to him right after, because then it's like his job to call you. And he will more than likely call you, just because you were pretty forward in that situation (and guys like forward chicks...shy chicks are great too, it doesn't matter really, just if your shy, add some forwardness, if your really forward act a bit shyer...it's kinda hot).




Oh yeah, if your going to tell a guy you like him, and if your not sure if your unattractive or anything like that, at least wear really good clothes, I think someone average looking looks above-average with the right clothes on. So why do this? Because that way we aren't really scared someone unattractive likes us or anything like that because at least you look better than having some fat Andre The Giant looking girl like us.

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DON'T ASK A FRIEND. All he's going to do is say no and deny it. I know because A LOT of guys do it. The only way to find out, is if he looks at you a lot, in class or something like that. And if he holds a gaze with you far away for 3 seconds. If it's 3 seconds, (if anyone does this with the opposite sex) it usually means they find you attractive and want a relationship.

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okay. i get the three second thing, he's not in my classes cuz he's 16 and I'm 14. the only time he comes over is when his brother comes over too which is my friend and I get really shy if he looks at me. but i'll try, any more tips?

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Guys are masters of hiding away our emotions towards girls were interested in. The easiest (and pretty much ONLY) signs that give us away is when were checking girls out, and if we give you a gaze for at least 2-3 seconds or more. If you catch US staring at you, and were not joking and we have kind of a serious look on our face, it doesn't have to be serious, just a blank facial expression. 90% chance the guy likes you, guarantee it. Especially if you find him looking at you occasionally or a lot. If it's one time he's looking at you, more than likely he doesn't like you.

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Is this sort of a sign he likes me:

He follows me when I walk (not stalkerish)

When he lays down he pulls me down with him

He tries to see where I'm ticklish

He does more stuff to me than my friends

Does he like me or is he just flirting?

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He thinks your hot.Good job..you did something right. If a dude wants to find out where your ticklish, call him a groper in a teasing way, that's a good icebreaker lol. I swear, if he takes it serious, he is a total nerd. He has no experience with women and is a moron lol.

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