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Still sad lonely & comparing my life to his happiness

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You've had all the good advice that's out there on this one Jenn, time to step up and put it into action, healing will happen much faster if you are proactive and take the reins for crafting the person you want to be when you come out of this.


Only thing I can add is for social media in general.. Don't compare your naked reality to someone else's carefully constructed highlight reel.


If I tried I could make the last few months of my life look like I'm a playboy rock star on social media, I've done loads of cool stuff but the reality is I'm still torn up inside and healing from heart break.

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It's bizarre how media is obsessed with the idea of the lonely old man or the bitter old spinster. Those images really aren't the reality of 99% of people I've met in those situations. Most of them are surprisingly youthful and playful because they haven't had a toxic relationship grinding them down for the last 30 years...


The biggest irony is that it's quite hard to stay single if you are fulfilled on your own, people are drawn to your confidence and lack of neediness. It's why so many people say that their new partner stumbled into their life when they stopped looking/least expected it.


Very true.

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