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Oh not so sweet phone conversation(s)....

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Long story short this guy (same one I have been posting about for 6mnts) has called me before however, recently our phone conversations have been limited to about 5 minuets. The last conversation that we really had was about 2 hours and it ended abruptly when his best friend told me that he (the guy) "loved" me. Now we only talk in-between his breaks at work, or he will call to tell me what he is doing, or to ask me what I am doing…and that is it. Last week he had one of my younger guy friends call me just to see what I was doing and to tell me where he and this other friend were. He also keeps on commenting that "I was going to call you but…my phone died or it was late", I have told him time was not an issue before.


I can not figure what has happened, we use to talk for hours at a time...now things seem rushed and short. This isn't the usual girl chats her head off but our conversations literally are about 5 minuets. I understand he is at work but there are times he calls when he isn't at work.


What could have caused this situation, and is there any way to "lengthen" our conversations?

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Hmm strange.


To be honest I'm actually lost for words on this one. I suppose the only thing I can say is that you need to talk properly - Though in this situation saying that may not be much use.


Try meeting up and having a proper in depth chat. Say how you feel and whats bugging you.


Still stuck for words..



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