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Cofused about pregnancy and Missed period differnces!

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My boyfriend and I had sex towards the end of March. Since then we broke up, and I have missed my period. I have been going through tons of emotional stress lately as well. We used the withdrawl method, and he is a smoker and a drinker, so he thinks the chances of me being pregnant are very slim. But I missed my period by about 16 days now. So could I be pregnant or just stressed?


I have the signs of fatigue, stomach aches, headaches, and I feel a little sick through out the day.


If you know ANYTHING please your help is very much needed!


Thanks because I am a little bit scared at this point...

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If you are 16 days late a pregnancy test would be very accurate - go to drug store and buy one, or call a clinic/doctor and get yourself in. The stress can make you later, but there is also a VERY high probabilty of pregnancy using the withdrawl method. Smoking and drinking while can reduce sperm counts and the viability of sperm does NOT kill them.....they can still fertilize an egg.


If I time it right, then that may have been around your ovulation time as well, so yes, get yourself in. Some women have very little symptoms, others have many so the only way you know for sure is with a test.


While I know its kind of nice to also pretend as if nothing is happening, the fact is you need to know so you can decide what to do if you are. And if you are going to keep the baby/pregnancy, you need to get proper medical/nutritional care as soon as possible. If you choose to have an abortion, you will still need medical care, counselling as early as possible.


We can't diagnose you, so go take a test either at home or at clinic/doctor!

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