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Asking her out at a dance

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So I like this girl and we talk sometimes, she hasnt shown any special interest in me really but I thought Id ask her out anyways. We are both in grade 9 and 15 by the way in canada. So there is the last dance of the year on friday and we are both goin and we both have lots of fun at it so I thought Id ask her out after dancing with her on the last slow dance. One of my friends (a girl) who is also her friend thought this would be an interesting way of asking her out. anyways what do you think? good idea bad idea? to corny maybe?

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I don't think it is too corny, and women often love corny.


I like to use baby steps to get to the asking. Tell her you like talking or being around her and see how she reacts. If she reacts well, tell her you shoudl try to do it more often or something. If she reacts well, jsut ask.


I would learn a bit about body language to watch her reactions. her body language won't lie.

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