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i'd like some input plz!

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my crush invited me over to his house this weekend. i wanna go, but he kinda hurt me earlier this week. i told him i'd pick him up for school everyday this week, but he got on the bus. then his cousin (my buddy who lives behind him) said that he forgot n wanted me to pick him up on tuesday, so i went but the prick got on the damn bus again! he din't apologize or talk or anythin either. i thought "well that shows how important i am to him." anyways, my other buddy got her cousin to ask him about me, and he said somethin like "i think u should go out with rachel (me)". then my crush was like "well i'll find out this weekend." but anyways: should i put the moves on or bitch at him.. or jus flirt or what? i was thinkin i'd playfully bitch at him, then jus talk and/or flirt. whatchu's think on the whole deal?

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Hi lil sis,


Thank you for coming to us again for seeking some advice. I am pleased to hear that you like this guy. I understand that he is somewhat confusing you over forgetting about you picking him up from school. I can understand that this is a little frustrating to you.


I removed your 'own' replies to this post. I understand that you tried to use some 'swear' and/or 'bad' words on the forum, but eNotalone.com has not been designed for using swear words left and right. That's why we have decided to censor some a list of 'bad' words.


As far as my suggestion is concerned: communication leads to a better understanding for sure. He might not be aware of what he is doing to you and sometimes you just need to open someone's eyes to make them realize. So if you haven't talked about how he is making you feel, it might be a good idea to explain to him. I don't think there's a need to put him in a bad feeling, just because he might not be entirely aware. My suggestion is to come out and just explain things to him.


He might or might not do something about it. Listen to what he has to say and see if there's any improvement from his part. If things work out, then it's all great. If not, you might want to move on.


I hope that this helps you on your way and wish you good luck and a lot of fun this weekend. Make it happen!


~ SwingFox ~

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