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Well here's the deal. Me and my g/f were fooling around a bit the other day when her fingers were getting a little close to the exit only area if you know what I mean… Well ok… she was all the way to the back door…


Now it's not that I mind her exploring all she wants. I'm completely comfortable with whatever she would choose to do, but what would make a woman want go back there. The girl is obsessed with keeping her hands clean, so I was just figuring that would be the last place she would ever think of putting her hands. It's something that I wouldn't do so I really don't understand the motivation… I guess in the end all I'm looking for is a lady that could tell me why they would do the same thing of there own accord.

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You said it herself.. she's probably just exploring. I wouldn't take this as anything but a compliment (in a weird way)

this is because.. she's exploring this with you.. because she feels comfortable enough with you, to do so. She knows that you won't mind her curiosity, and support her while she does it, even if you don't totally understand the point.

It's not a bad thing, unless she starts... Entering your Exit

If you know what I mean

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lol, that would be a weird expierence. As for what you can do , just let her know that you didn't like that thing she did and than brush it off. She will get the point and things will get back to normal.


Also she might want to spice things up in bed, which is a good thing. So maybe you should start to get creative.

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If it makes you feel uncomfortable, then you should tell her. On the other hand if you were just a little shocked but willing to experiment, then just relax and go with the flow.


From a female perspective, I find a guys butt very sexy and find combining oral sex with anal stimulation a real turn on for both of us.

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