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A Question


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This has been on my mind for a couple of days now since I realized it and I am not sure if there is if any reason if at all behind it.


I have been working at this open shopping center for 2 weeks now. Knowing my uh "work habbits" I have chit chated with the girls in the beauty shop at this shopping center. I haven't had long converstations, longest one was for 5 minutes, but I have pratically talk to almost all of the girls in the shop. They all have laugh at my korny jokes (and I do mean very very bad jokes) and seem to like me as they always say hi first and some times start a converstation with me.


Now it sounds all good and all right (Besides the fact that I am flirting with the girls in the business that are next to the beauty shop, hey all the girls are good looking and it does waste time)? But heres the thing none of the girls have ask my name yet. I wasn't expecting on the first day there for them to ask it, but its been two weeks and they haven't even ask yet. Let alone ask anything of me, but I think thats more not really giving them anything to talk about.


Part of the reason this is on my mind is partly due to my job. I am the security guy for the shopping center and about half of the businesses know my name. I would think it would make logical sense to know my name for at least professial reasons.


I just don't know if they are holding back becuase they have boyfriends or what. I am not trying to think about it too much, but it is somewhat odd to me tho. The next time I talk to any of them I will try to get their names and see what happens. I have told one girl that I did security for a club a couple of the girls in the shop goto (What do you know a thing I have in common with some of the girls oh my! ). If they do have boyfriends, which won't surprise me, then they would make good female friends, which is what I am more aimming for anyway.


But if anyone has a clue as to why, besides them not thinking of it, please reply.

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don't bother with weither or not they ask just go ahead and ask them their names. just be straight and say "hey i never got your name" and after they tell you theirs tell them yours. ask them questions about themselves and they'll usually reply with a "and what about you" type of thing so you both get to know each other.

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If they've never wanted your name it's probably because your jokes are ****, and most likely their mean because they work at a beauty shop lol, and their laughing at your efforts to flirt. You know laughing doesn't always have to be funny, it can also be that the person is embarrassed for another person. So if I were you, I wouldn't really flirt with these women anymore, it's just going to make them think less of you. Flirting with women elsewhere I guess is ok, in a beauty shop, hell no there all high-maintenance and are into themselves too much. Well that's just my opinion.

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If they've never wanted your name it's probably because your jokes are ****, and most likely their mean because they work at a beauty shop lol, and their laughing at your efforts to flirt. You know laughing doesn't always have to be funny, it can also be that the person is embarrassed for another person. So if I were you, I wouldn't really flirt with these women anymore, it's just going to make them think less of you. Flirting with women elsewhere I guess is ok, in a beauty shop, hell no there all high-maintenance and are into themselves too much. Well that's just my opinion.

lol I don't think they are laughing at my efforts to flirt and I even know the jokes I have said so far are crappy, but it is how you deliver a joke is what makes it funny. Also MetallicAguy if you knew the full suitation and saw me in person you would change your mind, trust me on this one. Also I am not your normal guy when it comes to girls either, plus worse comes to worse I will just talk to them to waste time as usually nothing happens, but knowing my luck anything can.

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Heres a small update on Monday I was able to get one of their names, but I never had a chance to talk to any of the girls from any of the shops (I am now talking to the girls in the store next door, the third store which is a clothes shop for girls will be a bit hard to tackle) becuase I had to deal with a suitation that was pretty nasty to see first hand let alone having to deal with it, but lucky I had help form the employees from another store.


Please don't ask me what happen as I still have the images in my head and the screaming and the yelling and the crying that went on.


I almost frogot I did talk to two different girls from the beatuty shop, one I have talk to before. But it had to deal with another suitation I had today. Man being a security guard is so fun.


MetallicAguy - I don't think these girls would be mean to me, becuase if they do get too mean I can become the strict security person no one likes and report something that they can get into trouble with. No it is not illegal, but the company the owns the land doesn't want this type of thing going on.

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u know, i worked at a beauty shop as an intern before. trust me, they're just the same type of girls you meet elsewhere. some are nice and some are just plain manipulative b*tch*s. but yea, the drama there make it a really fun experience. don't see a lot of that in high school hehee.

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