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Media and relationships

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I see it on tv and hear it on the radio, the media showing us how we should act. They make it seem like everything is sexual and pushy. Everywhere I go I see people act and behave in this manner. Chicks nowadays are easy if you you have the cash and the typical tough male attitude. Seems like it's getting harder and harder to have a genuine relationship. Does anyone else feel the media is trying to control the way we look at relationships? Anyone have any ideas why this may be? I think i'm a pretty cool guy but can't seem to click with the trendy mentality going around..

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I know what you're saying. I would say that I consider myself an "old-fashioned" kind of guy when it comes to dating. I don't know what the problem is. You kinda feel like you have to come up with some smooth pick up line, instead of being able to just sit down and strike up a conversation with someone. Then again, the way I see it is that not being the same as this new trend can work to your advantage, that is if you find the right person, which is whole different issue. I hope that helped, it kinda seems like i've been going on about nothing.

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Couldn't agree more with this post... but here's the thing, like 90% of the highschool students aren't half as smooth as highschool "teenagers" in movies... so, that kinda makes things worse, cause chicks then expect them to be super smooth, but they're really not... I really hate to go with the trend of the week... I only try to be myself (doesn't seem to work, but oh well... I don't give a flying.... uh... hoot!). I guess I do know what I do wrong, and I'm trying to fix it, but opportunties are rare for me... Well, I'm kinda tired right now, so maybe half of what I've said makes no sense at all. Best wishes.

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Funny thing is this applies to college students too and almost everyone else. I think the media rounds up ideas from such a small group of people that it's hard for most to act in this fake way. I see it especially in rap music and movies. To me it's nonsense because I would never want to have a relationshipt like they express it..that would be sad in my eyes. I just don't think acting like somebody else is cool. I say be true to yourself and F the media and the rest of the idiots following their ridiculous ideas.

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When I see those american high-school / college films, it makes me look at my life, and think, how come no-one I ever knew was like that? My expierence of school was alot more boring to be honest, and no way as it should be. There was probably only like 3 couples in our whole grade/year.

And another thing, I swear the actors they use are like 20 something. No way on earth are they passing of as teenagers.

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