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Thoughts on life

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Well i suppose i should get these ideas out and see what everyone thinks about them.

Summary on age:

1)Why do we think as humans that we are gradually getting older? To me things that get older have no ultimate death.As humans we carry the weight of death, thus we are actually getting younger. By saying that you are geting older it implies that you are growing farther away from death. Also if people would begin to think that they are getting younger as time goes on, perhaps it would greatly increase the joy of life and it would also dismiss the idea that you have spen a life doing nothing.

Summary on religion:

2)Why do people push religion on others? This very sensitive subject has and will always push humanities hearts and souls to the edge. Many people that go to church on Sundays say they believe in "God" but outside church they don't exercise any sign of thier faith, except when they are in need or praying for someone else. On the other spectrum a religion that has many "Gods" which other religions believe is a pegian(spelling error) idea will try to push its beliefs on this many "God" society. Overall i think that it is better to believe in many "Gods" and worship them to the fullest than to believe in one "God" and worship him one day a week.But i guess this negates my thoughts about its better to have an idea than a belief, because ideas can always be changed.

Summary on living

3)Finally there's the question of what is our purpose?

3)I believe that our purpose on this earth is to simpliy state it is to die. I think of the Earth as having a 24 hour life span. It has already used up its time between 12:00 A.M till 11:56 P.M. humans came onto this Earth at 11:56, and each life only represents one millionth of a second on that clock. Now im not saying that a human life means nothing, but rather that our pourpose here is to do nothing more than live a life and die. Eventhough you should try to live a happy life, try to make the lives of thoes around you even happier. The best way to feel happy is to know that you have made someone elses day.

The time is ticking, what will you do?


Please don't inflame this topic, its just my thoughts.

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Cool questions!


1. Summary on Aging- Have you ever heard the line: "Aging is all in your mind"? If people let their minds go to waste as they age, that's how they dig an early grave for themselves, and "get older." I met some really sharp older individuals, those who still are up and going. They're still very young at heart, and never stop doing what they love doing. Some of them are even retired professors who volunteer to work at colleges and tutor students.


In other words, when a person does not live a life with passion, he/she is slowly dying.


Besides that, people are gradually passing away at a later age, because the population of what's called, a gerontogical term: "Oldest Old", 80-85 age bracket , are living in a time where we have sufficient nutrition, advanced medicine, and new techonology which helps improve the quality of health.


2. Thought on Religion- Why do people impose religion on others? Because they're hypocritical and self-righteous? Nah, I'm kidding! I was raised Catholic, but I NEVER impose Catholicisim onto anyone. I never say: "Well, if you're not Christian, then you will burn in hell!!" I mean really, who am I to judge? Quite frankly, that is very unfair. My family and I are very close to a nun, Sister Martha, and she told me one line that I will never forget: "Those who impose religion on others by saying that they will burn in hell, really don't represent Christianity." What she's trying to say is that if God truly wanted to find these people, and come into their lives, then he would. If people truly wanted to let God into their hearts, then they would. There's no way of forcing religion onto someone. Either they feel it in their hearts or they don't. She is the most liberal nun I ever met! That's why I think she's cool.


About other religions: they are each beautiful in their own way. Although I don't understand them fully, if it works for others, then I think it's great for them to have a strong spiritual belief. Me personally, I'm not a active practicing Catholic, due to my way of thinking, but I will always hold its values in my heart, and will always feel as though God does exist (although at times, I feel as though he doesn't). My interest has always been with the concept of many religions, a mixture of Catholicism and Tibetan Budhism. Yah. So, I guess I'm just a hybrid of a neo-religion junky? I guess not, because I'm not a devout follower to any religion. I just follow the religion of my heart- a simple one- treat others the way I would want to be treated, embrace divserity, be humane, and respect people equally, no matter how different they may be.


3. Purpose in life? To fufill our fate. Everyone has a purpose in life, whether we like it or not. We all have a role that we need to fulfill. It's up to us to wisen up and make smart choices. That's how we become happy individuals. Also, life is mysterious, so we should cherish it as much as we can, and never take the things in our lives for granted. Another purpose in life is to live with gratitude. That's how you find happiness. Those who are selfish, are truly, never really happy. They're miserable and they know it!


So, the purpose in life is to live life to it's fullest, by being true ourselves, and being 'Real.' Live life according to your own set of standards! Nice Topic!

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1)Why do we think as humans that we are gradually getting older? To me things that get older have no ultimate death.As humans we carry the weight of death, thus we are actually getting younger. By saying that you are geting older it implies that you are growing farther away from death. Also if people would begin to think that they are getting younger as time goes on, perhaps it would greatly increase the joy of life and it would also dismiss the idea that you have spen a life doing nothing.




Thank you so much for this wonderful perspective! I have always had hang-ups about getting older, so this outlook makes a lot of sense to me. I have a huge fear of the BODY growing old and pained. My vanity-my spirit - I know that is me no matter what age. But society's views toward the elderly, the lack of mobility, disease and the inability to appreciate younger generations is what I fear most.

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