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Does She Like Me??????????


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I've known this girl since grade school. She's really cool. We've been pretty tight for quite some years. Back in the 7th grade she asked me out, but I turned her down because I was already with another girl .

I really like this girl, I think about her all the time. It seems she never really has a chance to talk to me. I see her at school but am afraid to say something sometimes. I usually say something like "Whats Up?" or somthin. She says "Hi" to me every so often aswell. We Don't have any classes but I see her run in gym (boys and girls share the gym sometimes). Sometimes I catch her staring at me while shes running. I talk to her onm messenger almost every night. Whenever I sign on, she doesnt say anything until I say "Hey" or somthin. Does that mean she isnt interested?

A few weeks ago I was talkin to her on messenger. I think I asked waht she did that night. She said "nothin really" or somthin. I told her I went to a friends house and It wasnt incredibly fun. She told me "Next time your bored you can call me" or somthin along those lines. She pretty much got off too soon for me to ask for her #.

She liked me like...6 years ago.. I don't know if she likes me any more. She's a really pretty girl, and I'd say I'm a fairly OK lookin kid. What is common behavior for a girl who likes someone? Any help would be most appreciated.



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I think she likes you a lot and when you turned her down she still hates you for it. You might need to apologize or something lol.


**Don't talk to her every night!!(Talking like 2-3 times a week is alright though.) Just don't do it, if you want more of her attention, you will let her be and let her come to you. If you try and pursue her she will just ignore you more. Trust me on this.

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The way I see it, you two are already friends, so asking her to go out and do something isn't too much. If you go out and it doesn't work out, you can call it "just friends", if it goes great, who knows where it'll go, you know? From the sound of it though, I would say she's interested and it's worth pursuing, and don't get too discouraged about the messenger thing, I've found that girls tend to not want to start the conversation, but they're all for it once it's started.

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hey....well it seems she likes you too...i mean i don't usually talk to a guy EVERY NIGHT and look at them if i don't have some sort feelings for them....yeah about that every night night talking thing....trust me....DON'T TALK to her EVERY night because...it bores people after a while...every couple nights is good though...just like metallicAguy said....if you just look at her every once in a while but kinda leave some space between you two...i don't know why but i like guys MORE when they're not around me constantly...it draws me to them....just relax...chill...and one day something will happen between you two

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