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Shy.. can't talk..


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Okay, there's this girl in my class I really like, and have liked for a long time. The problem is I'm ot shy to talk to her. I've always tryed but just can't. When I say shy near her, I'm shaking. The worst problem is, she's always in large groups of people. Please help

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Dont just walk up to her and tell her I like you. You might just put your penis in a dish and offer it to her if you're gonna just say I like you. I'll tell you whats the right way to do this.


Last year I had exactly the same problem with this chick in my class I liked. But by the time i got over my fear of walking up to her and talking to her it was too late because she moved to another school. I don't want the same thing to happen to you, which is why I'm gonna help you. What you do is simply this, next time you see her alone, just walk to her, keep the "I don't need this, i can walk away any time I want" mindset, and say something like "hey, are you single?".


= If she says No then say "Oh ok, well your loss" and WALK AWAY. there's a 90% chance she'll say "Hey wait a sec" and come and talk to you. If she doesn't, then she's the kind of girl who is a pain to stay around with, and you won't want her anyway. If she says stops you and comes back and says "what do you mean" or something like that, you can say the following: (which is also what you say if she says yes i'm single or why do you wanna know)


= "Well, i know this guy you'll really think is cute, He's smart, funny, charming, bla bla bla. You get the idea. Hey, if you promise you won't call him every 15 seconds, write down your email and i'll have him contact you"


This is natural, charming, and everything else way to get her to give you her number or email. If she asks "Are you the guy?" just smile and say "May be." If she says she doesn't have email, say "Oh, do you have electricity though?". She would most probably laugh at this. Then say "Ok, i guess your number will do too" and hand her a pen and paper to write it down. When she writes it down be like "Ok, talk to you later" and WALK AWAY. If you ever feel your shyness and any other feels overcome, remind yourself "There are 3 billion other girls on this planet". This is just a game, have fun with it.


Lemme know how it goes 8)

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You dont TELL her your feelings, man. Play hard to get wit her. Make it sound like she's the one who has the feelings for you, not the other way around. Otherwise she's just gonna take you like the other 399 guys who tried to chat her up that day. Anyway, if you try it lemme know how it goes.

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you have to be a savage, just walk up to her and knock her dead. make her laugh, talk to her, talk about classes and things. read her body language see if shes interested in you too, if shes not, you have to get her to. just dont think about it too much or you will fail. just make it seem like your just going to talk to a friend.

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Ok, not that you've heard the standard be a macho tough guy who doesn't care how she feels spiel, here's what you should really do.


Your shy. I am to so I know that your not just going to be able to walk up to her and "knock her dead." Your going to have to go about this slowly but surely, building up your confidence a bit at a time. Before you can tell her you like her you need to build up a friendship. That starts just by talking to her and asking questions each day. Ask her about something you are doing in class, easy and convenient start. Ask her about hobbies, interests, etc. With luck you will have something in common and that can start a really good conversation. The more you talk with her the more comfortable you should start feeling and the less shy you should be. Then you should see if you still really like her enough to ask her out. If your still to shy then you can do something like ask her to study with you or to hang out sometime, even if its just a group. Work your way up to asking her out, don't just jump in right away.


And always remember to believe in yourself. You are a good guy and you can do it.

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This is how it goes... If you like her, be sincere and give her small jabs of affection ( flirtation) when you are in close range. Compliment her, ask her about class stuff, show some of your humor that I know you have in you because girls like funny people, and genuinely smiling at her goes along way to. And if she opens up to you (talks to you, finally), listen and try to be an understanding her as friend. A very important first step. You have to understand that in order for you to get her to like you, you have to please yourself by giving her these jabs FOR HER. Not for your personal feelings. In other words.. GIVE LOVE, GET LOVE.

And stop shaking and be CONFIDENT in yourself. You have the right to believe that this girl could be your friend. Then that is when you could get what you want. ONE DAY YOU WILL BE WALKING IN SCHOOL, AND THIS GIRL WILL BE LOOKING AT YOU WHILE SHE IS SITTING OR WALKING WITH HER FRIENDS. Because she will only see you, and she will appreciate your sincerity. You will be spending some time together before you know it and it wont be such a big deal anymore.

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Whatever you do, give her some subtle hints that you like her. Cos theres this guy that I like and he'll come over and stand beside me but won't say anything unless I do. Everyone thinks he likes me but I have no idea, it's so frustrating. Be confident but not overly confident cos that's a huge turnoff. Whoever said earlier if she says shes not single say "your loss" DON'T say that I would be immediately turned off if the guy I like said that to me.

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