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Stats for getting back together, not such a low %

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Ok so she wrote back


"I m sorry i just sad i feel like u just completely wiped me out of your life i just looked at your profile and space and its just all blank whatever im sorry you can read what i wrote and i will never contact you again



I guess she never does have any intention on wanting to be with me again...."I'll never contact you again".....


Well I had to do it...I need to heal!

I just hope I didn't burn any bridges or ruin any possibilty of her wanting to contact me in the future...

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Jesus Heartbroken23. Noone on this planet has been through more than I've been through, but I can tell you this. If a woman tells you "Do not Contact me again" and you are worried about the future in terms of communicating with her again than your confidence is what got you into trouble in the first place. Don't let another human being make you feel this way. EVER.


H_B_K, you are just dramatic. Anyone ever told you that? Try chilling out and not playing games. If you are truly hurting over this person then let them know it and stop trying to plant "seeds" in order to get them back. If they want to be with someone else, you are not going to stop that from happening. The only regret they will feel is that which comes through being with someone else.


They're not worth all of this. I think rejection is SO MUCH a bigger part of what makes us crazy. Not the person themself.


I was with my ex 8 years and I thought many nights about how to SHOOT myself in the head.


It's been 3 months and I cannot imagine why I chased, begged and pleaded. At the time, I could not imagine a more amazing woman on the planet. Do you really want them back? If someone leaves you, they didn't believe in you. Stop beating yourself up. Truth is, the percentage of couples who rekindle their relationships is random and completely dependent on circumstance. The hard truth is that people don't change. Accept who you are and get back out there. Make someone laugh. No, it's not fun. Its inconvenient. It's expensive. It's twighlight zone feeling... I know. But you are doing yourself NO good by grieving excessively. I can assure you, they are not grieving. IF AND ONLY IF THEY ARE, you will hear from them. Otherwise, you're wasting your time. Like yourself more.



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Jesus Heartbroken23. Noone on this planet has been through more than I've been through, but I can tell you this.

oh yeah . Just jokin


H_B_K, you are just dramatic. Anyone ever told you that? Try chilling out and not playing games. If you are truly hurting over this person then let them know it and stop trying to plant "seeds" in order to get them back. If they want to be with someone else, you are not going to stop that from happening. The only regret they will feel is that which comes through being with someone else.

I agree completely. Believe it or not HBK, but this pain will hopefully be good for you. Events like this put a mirror in front of you. You should know that a mature man would not say things like "I don't take rides from strangers", or play these constant games over and over again. You two are attached to each other in a bad way, you are in denial, and I bet 2 to 1 that you end up contacting her again. But please, prove me wrong. I think you have a lot of self discovery that you need to engage in. I also bet it doesn't work with this other guy.



I was with my ex 8 years and I thought many nights about how to SHOOT myself in the head.

me too. I figured I'd do it with a bag over my head. That way there's no mess for people to clean up.


It's been 3 months and I cannot imagine why I chased, begged and pleaded. At the time, I could not imagine a more amazing woman on the planet. Do you really want them back? If someone leaves you, they didn't believe in you. Stop beating yourself up. Truth is, the percentage of couples who rekindle their relationships is random and completely dependent on circumstance. The hard truth is that people don't change. Accept who you are and get back out there. Make someone laugh. No, it's not fun. Its inconvenient. It's expensive. It's twighlight zone feeling... I know. But you are doing yourself NO good by grieving excessively. I can assure you, they are not grieving. IF AND ONLY IF THEY ARE, you will hear from them. Otherwise, you're wasting your time. Like yourself more.


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Yeah, well she starts a job in my fricken building this morning. What to do if she calls? I don't know what # she'll be calling from and I do have to answer the phone at work. I won't contact her, haven't once again in 4 days. That really hasn't been the big issue. She is the one who continues to break no contact and play mind games with me. Yes, I am dramatic, but only when pushed and provoked to do so.


So seriously, what am I to do? She's going to call, go to lunch, I say no, she would come wait by the elevator.


I already know things won't work with this guy, but I don't like the reason. It is because of her parents, they said no was about this guy. They are even the ones that called me Friday and told me she got the job.

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Well, she never called, but saw me outside while waiting for the train, approached me, and asked me to go for a bite. We went, everything was casual, we had a few laughs, and her dad even called her and asked her to put me on the phone. Very funny and she laughed about it, asking what he said and I teased her a bit and she laughed some more.


The topic of her moving out came up (she brought it up). She said she couldn't afford to by herself. I kind of grinned a bit. She asked why I was laughing and dragged it out of me. I told her her parents both wanted her to move in with me. She asked if I would be comfortable with that knowing we aren't together (WTF). I said no not if we weren't together, and then I put a stop to the discussion saying "Enough, we're doing fine here, no more about that". Surprised she didn't get mad this time, and she actually seemed surprised I didn't force the issue.

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