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Not sure what to do. PLEASE HELP !


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I just need some advice of how to flirt with a guy. I have neva seen a guy i like as the only guy that like me had admired me from a distance and i didn't even kno till one of my friends told me.

How to i go about flirting with a guy that i am intrested in me. I tend to jump right into things without thinking and stuff things up. I want to know what the first thing you would do when flirting. Can you help me ?

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If possible you should "accidentally" be in the same place he is. Also, if you guys talk laugh at all his jokes even if they're horrible. When he says something funny have contact, push his shoulder or something. Joke around with him, be yourself, don't come on to strongly though. Good Luck

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that would be kinda hard as i work out the fron or a department store and there are always people going in and out. He is a trolly collecter and tends to walk around alot so i dont get much of a chance to do that kind of thing. Is there any other way i can show hi i am intrested in him ?

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If you see him a lot then just smile at him occasionally and if he gets a lunch break or something like you then go small talk. Ask him how he's doing and stuff like that. In no time, you'll start being friends and maybe things will get more serious.

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Oh yeah. We dont usually see eachother at breaks because i have my breaks in the tea room and he has his outside. i dont have time to go out there and chat. I spose i will wait a month or so and see if things get abit more close and then go for it mabye.

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I talked to him a bit more today. Then we bumped into eachother after work when me and mum were getting tea and he was in his car outside the shop. He honked his horn at me and waved. Does this mean he is intrested or just being friendly. He has started to say hello now when he sees me before i say hello to him.

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