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Hmm... Lip Ring Kissing?

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I recently just got my lip pierced.


and kissing my girlfrined is a bit awkard...but she loves it.

She sometimes plays with it while she kisses me.

She says its fun and new.


I was wondering what you all thought of kissing with lip-rings?

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Well, I have my tongue peirced, and my husband says its annoying. He would love for me to take it out. I think you should be happy ur girlie likes it. I would imagine that a lip ring should be fun and interesting as well.

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I have two experiences with lip rings:


Back when I had braces, I kissed a boy who had a lip ring and it got caught in the wires. It was painful for him, annoying for me, and generally not fun.


Last year I kissed a different guy who had a lip ring (no braces for me this time!) and it was ok, but not all that pleasant. I'd much rather feel a guy's lips natural than some piece of jewelry.


So I don't like lip rings, but many people do

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