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Dealing with anger after break-up

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I broke up with my BF nearly a year and a half a go, it was a really intense, passionate, loving relationship, I thought, all great! We only went out 6months but never spent a night apart, which probably was a bit of a warning sign that things were too intense! I had no doubts that he was the one and I don't think I was ever so happy in my whole life, there were things that bothered me about him but I loved him regardless!


It all went horribly wrong when we went on holiday together we just didn't get on, we bitched and fought like cat and dog. When we came home we or maybe I decided to give it another go, but he just used that time to put me down, call me names and basically behave like a 5 year old. (after

we came home I found out that he slept with prostitutes in the place we went on holidays to, not when he was with me but previous holidays and he had a thai girlfriend tooked away that he bonked every holiday)I didn't deal with it very well, I couldnt' believe that this person who was the kindest most thoughtful man could behave in such a way. Anyway it ended when he just never called again, very imature and stupid considering we have the same friends, work in the same industry and do cross paths regularly. My way of dealing with it was just to ignore him, to upset him more, which is very embarrassing for him in front of everyone we know. I haven' t spoken to him since but I found out a while after we broke up that he gave me a sexually transmitted disease and I could be infertile. I told him, he said he tested negative, which is a lie and he never apologised, or tried to make a mends even though I explained in an email the seriousness of it. I haven't slept since the break-up, I lost nearly 2 stone, I'm angry all the time, I thought after a year and half I'd be well over it, I feel like a basket case. But I'm so filled with revenge, hate and most of all hurt! I have gone out with a few people since but I still can't get him out of my head, how do you deal with such hatred and anger, I think all I need is closure, I never screamed and shouted at home and told him about the stuff I knew as I wanted to keep some semblance of dignity!

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