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Release...still trying...

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I know what I'm going to talk about is such an old issue!But I do need to share this with you at this moment!


We have known each other for 2 yrs,and there comes our 1st marriage anniversary soon!I'm 20,my husband is my 1st and only love in my life,he is 26,and he had 4 relationships before.that's nothing,no problem with me at all,because I know it's nomal for a young man!We fell in love magically,we got married!Everthing is just so perfect!Yeah...But these days,I feel there are really something stuck in my mind,in my heard.At the first we met,he talked to me a few his past,I know there was a girl who meant a lot to him,she was the one he loved most.It didn't bother me at all.I know that's all the past.past has passed,right?And the most thing is he said I am the only one who make him so happy,then let him totally move on from that relationship,though he had date other girls after that(before me).But...everything goes fine until...By an accident,I found out that he is still keeping some of her pics and letters in an old case with some other old documents......You may say they are for his memories,right?I know,but when I know there are another woman's pics in my home...It still makes me feel bad...and insane!Luckily,myself is in highly control,I'm not letting him know it,because I never want to destroy our previous love because of my jealousy,guess what instead,I'm having myself doing even better than before to make him happier!All the reason is I love him,I never want to give him back,I want him never doubt that he has made a good choice!But on the other side,I feel sad,when I see he is still wearing the old T-shirt as a sleepwear which already has 2 holes on it,when I see his emotional face while playing the songs about break ups,I'm really worried......It hurts!


I'm a crazy woman right?I am sorry everybody...But I'd better talk about it,it's such a burden to me.Here is a good and only place allows me to talk about it!If you don't feel I'm too boring,please just leave me some words!I'll appriciate that!I believe they will help me to release...Anyways,thank you for you stop here with me,and sharing my feeling,bad one though... ...

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