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holding me back?


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My problem basically is that I am unsure how to start a conversation from nothing. There is this girl I like she is in loads of my classes. I want to talk to her without seeming strange.

One of my problems is that during school basically im trying all the time to impress her or talk to her but with no progress. I am not even sure if i am attractive to girls. I dont want to ask her without indication of if she likes me because I might be seriously ripped if it goes wrong.

Also Im having problems with some of my friends. I had two male friends who had basically been my friends for ages but I made friends with a group in a computer lessons. I enjoy my time with these because they are not childish. its not like i dislike my old friends but people have asked me why i hang around with them. They are very immature and i can see that they are damaging my chances with the girl. At the moment im spending most of my time with my new friends but dont ignore my old friends but they dont care about there appearance (loads of spots,ripped jumpers, lazy). I feel that they have been holding be back for years but feel sorry for them.

so i know ive gone on but any advice on any of the situation will help.

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Hey! I have no clue if you are attractive or not, but remember that attractive is subjective! (I myself find most of the "popular" guys to be repellant and I like guys in glasses, but i don't represent all girls). Greasy, unkempt hair and ill-fitting clothes are 90% of the time un-attractive, but then again I can't speak for all girls!


The best advice I can give is to smile and loosen up. Stop struggling to find a topic of conversation and just talk about whatever comes to mind... and then if you do/say something silly, just smile and say, "Haha, I'm such an idiot."


You'll know you've won when she smiles back and says, "No you're not."


Since she's in lots of your classes, the BEST conversations can start from, "That test was killer, wasn't it!" Just remember to relax and respond as it comes.


It's a good step that you recognized that your other friends are immature... sometimes you have to move on and grow up before your friends. Nothing turns off a smart girl more than immaturity.


That doesn't mean you have to ignore them... you just have to make sure that you aren't like them.


Good luck!

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