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dunno what to do!

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i have done it again! i started to really fancy a girl who already has a bf! it sucks i really like her and ahh she has said she likes me too, her and her bf have a long distant thing going! i just dont know what to do now! i feel so confused

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well....let me get this straight you like this girl who has a boyfriend already....


ummm not good...not good at all....heres my advice and please take it to heart cuz this happened to me amny times before...forget bout this girl!


Most likely if you 2 hook up, in the long run she will break your heart and go back to that other guy.....


I know it hurts but just let it be, and you will find a girl who doesnt have a bf..

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i know what your saying! i think that too! its happened to me! i dont want to do it to someone else! but we went out last night and we just got something there! then we came home and we talked for hours on the phone! then her mate has told her to make a choice


Her Current BF Or Me! - when i was told that i said straight away i dont want u to chose becuase i dont! she has started to tell me more and more now that her current relationship isnt goinhg anywhere and she wants a new one! the only reason she is still with him is becuase there parents get on really well and they live accross the road from each other in spain! (there holiday home there) so she doesnt want to make it akward when they go over! but my thought is what if she does finish with him.. gets with me then i dunno regrets it and cant go back!

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thats exactly my point....she will end up breaking your heart and going back to him, Id usually say trust your heart on this one, but your heart isnt ever really right, trust me I have been on and off in so many relationships, I know alot. She;ll want change and go with you then in awhile she'll get to thinkin and break your heart and go back to him...I know it hurts like hell, cuz in all my relationships people always told me this advice and I never listened to it...I was like what do they know, its my life. But the truth is shes involved and to egt between that will only make it harder for you in the long run...

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Or rather then looking at all the negatives. You can look on the positive side. You will never know anything if you don't try. Everyone gets their heart broke and you'll never find the right girl for you if you always think, well what if she goes back to her ex? or what if she stops liking me? Go for it and give it a try man! What do you have to lose. If she does end up going back then move on with your life and meet someone new, and use what you've learned from that relationship to help your new relationships.


If you really like this girl, then go for her!!

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thanks for the comments! its been 7 months since my last full on relationship!


i told her tonight that i think its best that i back off and let her and her bf do it there way! and she begged me not too! she then told me that she had told her mate (the one that told her to chose) that she wants me! but still cant find the way to tell her bf!

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