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Help with this Shy girl I like in college

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okay so heres the deal.. its been already 3 weeks and this past week i finally had the ballz to talk to her and she is opening up(no more small talk)... the funny thing about it is that she is really shy & quiet. first time i layed eyes on her, I was stunned..so beautiful


let me say the first time i started talking to her.. she would look down or seem uninterested in my convo.. not laughing or smiling.. now she's doing that when i talk to her...



I still have to iniatate the convo.. when ever i talk to her... she seems intereseted in my convo/company... the thing i really hate is when i ask her questions about where she lives and all that good stuff..


you know what im talking about... SHE has not responded back with a question to me.. its frustrates me.. but u know what though-I think its all because she is shy.. im interested in getting to know her more than just friends but i want to take it slow.. just be friends & see where it goes



the other thing is that she is 16 & im 19. could that be a reason???



SUm1 HELP me please.. any advice would be helpful? 8)

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OMG CALDUS!!! LOL greattt advice!!!!!! im sure she'd respond brilliantly!

Is it really only her pretty looks that attracted you to her? Does she have a bf - may be a concern, maybe shes just not ready for a relationship, i wasnt wen i was 16, keep trying and c where itt goes but dont wait too long for her to come around to you, keep paying her attention n maybe she'll tell you whats stopping her, like if shes readyy or not 8)

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Well, you need to draw her out. She is comfortable with you doing all of the intiating, and the only way you will get her to talk and ask questions is to motivate her to come out of her shell. How do you do this? Hit the off switch.


You've been on, talking to her, showing her some attention and appreciation, turn that off. Ignore her a bit. Just take one day when yous ee her and instead of talking with her, don't do it. See if she after being ignored a little will initiate. If you cannot do that, cut a few conversations short. Don't give her as much time and attention. If it does not work, then go back to on, turn it on, then turn it off. Vary the intervals. See if it works.

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