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Idiot as i am...

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Well, well... Guess what?... I tried to broke up NC just because of my horoscope... It said it was a good time to try to make things clear with someone who you think hurted you, and that i would find out that the person was also hurt... I never believed on this things or cared why did i listen to it? What an idiot...


Anyway, i end up sending her a little sms asking how she was doing and if everything was ok. So far (and i did it last sunday) no replies. Well that's something didn't surprised me much. I was ready for anything that would happen. Im more angry for that moment of weakeness than what would come of that...


At least one thing as come true, she is angry with me

Can't say that i didn't tried though...

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Don't feel like an idiot. You're not. You're obviously someone who cares about someone else and there is nothing idiotic about that.


Should you have done it? Well who knows... most people say no... but no one will beat you up over it.


I did the same thing (but it was a voicemail) over a week ago. Nope. Not a word. Nad. Zilch. Zero. But like I have said before, silence is often the LOUDEST answer you can get.


Don't wory about it.

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