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is he just shy? or does he hate me?

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Okay, Heres the sccop:

I like this kid Shawn, and he told me he likes me. But every time we make a schedule to go out somewhere, he has some kind of excuse like, I am sooo tired ( so that I suggest go to sleep ) and then sometimes online hes saying how he hates being shy, because u reach a breaking point when u like a girl, and u can't take it any further, and I give him advice that I would give anyone really close to me. I mean hes really careful and cautious about what he does and says around me. It totally confuses me. And one time I was at his house ( he always tickles me ) He was trying to find my most ticklish spot, and he started moving towards my uuuh boobage


~ Please help!


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Sounds to me like you're both a little shy. He is probably acting weird because he told you he likes you and you didn't tell him the same thing back. If I were you I'd ask him how he felt and let him know you'd like to pursue something.


Don't beat around the bush it won't help. Good Luck.

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