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Still feeling down and don’t know where to go from here.

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Some of you may know my story, if not I’ll give you a brief description. I was unknowingly dating a married man and when I found out I stayed for a week but then decided to end it and tell his wife. My feelings were involved and I was hurt in the end. Tomorrow makes 30 days nc. I know I should be feeling good that I came this far. I have my days where I feel bad and days I feel okay but I have been wanting to try and contact him for a few days now. Not sure how I would do that since he changed his number and I’m blocked on some of his social media. I took a step in the right direction recently and blocked him on social media as well. I know it’s not a good idea to contact him and I won’t but it’s just a feeling, I’ll get over it right? I still have feelings for him but now it’s turning to anger. I miss him though. Someone mentioned on my other post that I miss a relationship that never really existed, a man that wasn’t who he said he was. Which is a good point. Everyday it gets easier but I still think about him from time to time (well, everyday). I wonder how he’s doing, what he’s doing. Is he thinking about me, does he hate me? I may never know. I may never see or speak to him again and I just have to accept that. A lot of people think I shouldn’t feel this way, but I do. Opinions and comments appreciated.

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I broke up with my exgf of 3.5 years for almost 2 months now.


I record audio-logs every couple of days about my feelings. I know now that the things that I was thinking of within days after the breakup was childish/naive/stupid. This's a clear sign that I am recovering Hope it helps.


Cry whenever you want. Always remember the pain and misery that your ex have brought you during this period of time. You'd start to hate him/her.

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Cococly, I write things down in notes on my phone. It helps to express my feelings. I look back and see the progress of all of this over the past 30 days. It hasn’t been that long I know but I feel like I am making progress. Someone told me I would start to feel angry about what he did to me after a while. I am now starting to get those feelings. I do miss him still and wonder how he’s doing.

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