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My gf has missed her last 2 periods, help

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alright theres def no way my gf is pregnant cuz i used a condom everytime and i no what im doing cuz ive had experience with a lot of other girls so its not like i did anything stupid, is there any other explanation as to why shes missed her last 2 periods?? last one she got was the end of feb and she was supopsed to get on on march 15th and at the end of march but they never came

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Girls that young miss periods all the time there cycles are still regulating themselves. But if she has been sexually active at all she should get a pregnancy test just to be sure. Condoms break.


I was worried about the dates you said, you know and average cycle is 28 days, so she wouldn't have two periods in march/

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Yeah condom or not their is always a possibility she is pregnant i would go to like a local planned parenthood or her doctor to get her tested or at the VERY least get a home pregnancy test to make sure. The previous poster said periods are irregular at her age and its true...i missed a couple a while ago and it scared the heak out of me. I took a test after i missed the first one and it came up negitive but when i missed the second one i freaked and went to planned parenthood and same thing then the next month i had my period. Also her period could be matching up with any other female persons in her house (for some reason people who live in the same house get their periods around the same time --within a few days of eachother-- so hers could just be matching up with say her mothers so yea but get her tested!!!!!

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Why don't you simply purchase a 9.99 pregnancy test and find out for real? It's possible she is pregnant. Condoms are less than 90% effective in protecting against pregnancy. At least that's what the national study on them says. More than likely she isn't....but you can either find out for sure now....or if she is....wait until she starts to show. Get a test.....better to either set your minds at ease now.....or give yourself plenty of time to decide your futures if she is pregnant. And if she is pregnant and going to keep it.....she needs to see a doctor.

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