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This is silly I know, but it sorta plagues me. I know that self confidence is attractive and there was a time I had it. Since I've moved away with my now ex and am a bit older then most college students I have felt less attractive and it has made me withdraw from social interaction. When I do start to feel comfortable talking to stranger a surge of anxiety hits me and I start tripping over my words. It's annoying.


I've posted about a guy I am attracted to and who has been giving me the gaze for months now. Well, I really want to talk to him and the other day I had a great oppurtunity. I needed help lifting something and he was the closest person around. I thought "BINGO" as I started to to walk towards him he turned towards me looked me dead in the eye and then another co-worker approached and I just veered in the other direction. I thought to myself, "he will be so close to me he will notice my skin"(which has broken out because of that time of the month) he wil notice the bags under my eyes because I've been studying so much I haven't been getting much sleep. He is so beautiful, by far the hottest guy who has ever acted as though he was interested in me. He just seems way out of my league. I see a lot of beautiful girls at school and out and about and it just seems to me like he could get any one of those girls. I think to myself that he just likes giving me those eyes to boost his ego. My heart is all over my sleeve. He makes me so nervous sometimes I think it shows.

Sometimes I feel beautiful and haev had people men and women compliment me , but I find it hard to bel ieve them most of the time. I wish there was a way to get over this. What if this guy is just waiting for me to open up...invite him in to my world. What if something could happen there? I'll never know unless I start to feel like I deserve it. Any advice?

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You just have to make the effort to think things like you said at the end of your post


What if this guy is just waiting for me to open up...invite him in to my world. What if something could happen there?


Regret sucks, plus just remember, it's no big deal. Your just going to talk to him. That's it, just a little chat, no problem. you may find out that he is just as nervous as you.


You can do it, think positive thoughts

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What if something could happen there? I'll never know unless I start to feel like I deserve it. Any advice?


want something to happen? Make it happen. And yeah, you'll never know, so get to it already.


You know the bungee jump? You look down at a really far drop. But you'll never really know how it feels til you take that plunge.

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