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I dont know what to do...ugh please help

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Hey everyone,


Im sitting in my bed, semi-drunk i must admit, and a few hours ago i was hit with quite a bit of news from my girlfriend.


First a little background. We've been going out for 10 months and over the summer and winter break things were great, we had fun together and were absolutley in love. Things we not that good during the fist semester but how could they be expected to be when we were apart.


So during the last week I tell her that I've been feeling unloved and that it felt like she didnt care about me and she tells me that it feels like "a switch has been turned off since the beginning of second semester (january). So first off i dont know what to do. So i ask her if everything since then has been "fake" and i dont really get a straight answer, so i ask her if she still loves me ans she says that while we may not be in the story book, super passionaite style of love anymore she still loves me and I believed her even though she has basically acted otherwise.


So today we talked again and she tells me that her sex drive is totally gone and that, that has a big part to do with everything, and I just have no idea what to do or what to say.


She says ive been an amazing boyfriend and Im jus totally at a lose.


Please help me. Please!!

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I hate to hurt you buddy, but i've been there and done that..so am gonna tell you that the distance between you and her has done ur relationship..she no longer feels what she did when u were physically around. I dated a girl who;d to absolutely spend all/part of her evenings with me nd then she graduated nd moved away..it took a little over a month for her to move on(coz i broke up with her and offered to stay friends when she moved on) and now she thanks me for doing what I did coz it made life simpler for both of us.

I'd say, be a man, admit that its over, talk to her and move on..thats the sanest thing you should be thinking about rather than getting her back because if you do succeed there's no surety u wuldnt b in a similar state a semester later. Infact if u play ur cards right and let her go, she'll come back to you(depends then if u want all of this back when she does) but she will. But my friend, u must let her go and walk away now.

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