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Girls, attraction, and time of the year.


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It seems to me in the past that when girls seem to hit on me etc in public (ie girls in bars etc), that several of them happen within a short space of time (ie in a few weeks i'll maybe 'meet' more girls than in the next few months).

Is there any logic behind this? Or am I just noticing something that isnt there?

Basically what i'm asking is if theres certain times of the year when girls go 'looking', I know animals do, so I wouldn't be surprised if humans do.


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The reason that it seems like you meet more people in the spring time it because more people come out of the wood works when it's a pretty day. Unlike the Christmas season- if you are single, you will probably stay single during that time, or so it seems like to me, because most people are interacting with their family and people that they've been friends with for a while.

Also, whenever you are looking for someone it seems like you can't find anyone, but the second you stop looking people seem to flow to you.

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The crabs on Christmas Island all start mating at a certain time that is determined by the moon phases. Maybe the moon has something to do with it? It is known that people behave differently under a full moon than when the moon is new. In the 1800's there was a guy acquited of murder and his defense was that the moon has made him temperorily insane. Who knows??? Maybe the moon does create love....so hopefully for me it will be full moon again soon!!!!

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I tend to go out more in spring and summer, because I will have finished school. During school I do not go out as much because of the homework and stuff. I also go out more during any other breaks/days-off from school (i.e., Winter/Christmas break).

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