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all a mess

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Alright, when i'd have sex with my ex I couldn't feel a thing... no pleasure whatsoever. There were several possible reasons


1) In all honesty, I just wasn't all that attracted to the guy physically

2) I was on Paxil, which apparently shuts off your pleasure zone

3) He had about 120 lbs on me, was hairy and sweated profusely on me and I'd get so dang cold.


Now I have a new guy (the ex got bored and disposed of me like a used tissue) and I really like him to the point in which I may actually love him. We fool around and stuff, and one night he had his finger(s) in me, and was doing something that was driving me absaloutly GAGA! I loved it. But when he does it now...nope. Nada. I direct him on how to find my G-spot; well now either I don't HAVE one, or it's got a special little deal with my bladder and GI system. Anytime he pulses his finger on the top, where it should be, I feel like I have to pee like crazy...but I ALREADY WENT! Sometimes it makes me feel like I am gonna fart...and now we just don't want that! What's going on, huh? Am I just totally screwed over because of the Pax? Or is my body just messed up? I am 25, reasonably healthy, he's 28...reasonably healthy.... what gives?!!!

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I have been on similar stuff and it totally made me weird. I knew that I should be wanting to have sex, and that I should like it- I had before- but the medicine messes you up so I went to the doctor- they had told me that it was a side effect and changed my medicine- still works and I can feel again.

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The Paxil may definitely have something to do with it - you may want to talk to your doctor about your prescription.


As for when he is hitting the spot where you have to pee like crazy - it is very possible he is actually starting to stimulate your g-spot. For some women, at first at least, this can be a common feeling (the having to pee part) but if you push past it then the pleasure sensations may come. Not saying this is the case with you, but I do know that that sensation does sometimes come with the territory so may be what you are experiencing.


First though I would definitely talk to your doctor about the prescription as it may definitely be affecting your sex drive.

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I'm not even certain if my gf has a g-spot (if she does, she hasn't told me where it is, or i've failed at finding it) but I know from experience and reading that many girls feel the need to urinate when it is rubbed, and if they ejaculate, many times they feel guilty or embarrassed because they think they pee'd, or they have insensitive boyfriends who accuss them of peeing.

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