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why he is acting this way

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I am new to this site, so forgive me if my post is long. I need some help about this guy that I like. I think that he has feelings for me but am not sure. We talk alot and email along with some other of our friends, well I sent something to some of my friends via email and he responded to all and said something innocent, well another one of our friends said something about him and his girl. I think that it embarrassed him but not for sure, well anyway up until then everything was ok between us, but now he hardly returns any of my emails, but he will return our other friends. What does this mean, if any thing? Did he get uncomfortable with me 'cause he has feelings for me as well. I just don't understand why he would get "cold" toward me but not the others. Plz give advice.

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ok i dunno if this guy has issues or not. i think he probably did get uncorfortable with the fact that ur friend said something about him and his girl. obviously he does have feelings for you. does he have a girl friend?

does he flirt with you a lot? how does he act when he is around you? these are some of the things you need to pay attention to. maybe you can respond to this and tell me so that i can help you more. im sorry i couldnt help much.


oh yeah and no ur post was not long at all.


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hello Star Brite


I really think you need to give us some more details.


What was it you sent to your friends?


What was it that one of your friends say about him?


What was the innocent thing that he responded?


dont worry about your post being long, youll get a better response if people have better data to work with.

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the thing that I sent to my friends was things to keep from getting bored in class or if you had a job. The thing he sent back was not embarrassing or anything like that, bu what our friend sent back a sexual comment, and it was pretty funny. The friend (in question) has made comments similar to what was said, yeah even about him and his girl.


As far as how he acts around me, I have seen him look at me and then he will turn away sometimes. He always tells me what a nice person I am. One time, I went out of town with some of my other friends and when I got back, one of our friends said that he was really happy to see, she said the look on his face(glad) was just for me, and I brought something back for him and he showed it to everyone. If I don't email him for a while and then when I do, he replies fast, unlike with our other friends(it was until now anyway)


I hope that this will help and this gives enough info.


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that is enough info ....but i still cant tell what his deal is. he probably has some stuff going on in his life right now. maybe your friend's remark made him think of it and now he doesnt feel like talking any more. i really cant tell. you might try talking to him about it. do it alone.

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I don't think he is going through anything in his life that would make him act this way over the remark. Some of our other friends have talken to him but still nothing with me. Some of my other guy friends have said that guys act like this when they get embarrassed in front of a girl they like. They said that the reason they get "cold" is because they don't want the object of their affection to get the wrong idea, so they take a step back and let things calm down. The reason that he is still talking with the other girl(s) in the group is because he has no deep true feelings about them, just looks at them as a friend. Unlike with me, he has more than just friends feelings, at least that is what my other guy friends say. Are they right or wrong? What should I do to try to get over this "silent" treatment?

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