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This is my first problem that I've done on here. I'm 15, young I know, and I think I might be a lesbian. I don't know for sure but I need someone to give advice. For about a year or more I've felt asthough I"m attracted to women. I find my self thinking of my girl friends more close now and not being interested in guys at all, they don't even cross my mind. I find my self more and more interested in the subject of gays and lesbians. I guess another reason would be that there are guys who call me a 'Lesbian' or a 'dyke'. I don't act, dress, or even have any of the same interests of the other girls that I go to school with. I feel alone and confused. Will someone please help me to find my way and my place.

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Well, First of you are a Lesbian.. but thats good... Just do what ever you feel is comfortable.. I mean, if you want to be open with it.. go for it! But if your not ready.. then dont.. You have to be sure b4 you do somthing you will regret.. I mean.. Are you 100% gay.. I mean alot of people go through "gay" stages.. You should really talk to your friends that you feel for.. Just relax.. Its normal, I know 10000000000 lesbians.. well not really, but its ok to be lesbian.. but if your Religious, its not ok to act upon it.. but i personally dont agree with it.. you were born like that, and thats the way god made you.. if you are gay thats is.. ok well bye

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Hey hun. First of all I want to say that you are not alone. My friend from high school is a lesbian. She refused to tell anyone. She finally told me and she trusted me not to tell. I helped her through it and she is fine now. People do not talk bad about her or anything. Since you are still in high school you might get some shit said about you, but you will have to ignore it. If you don't want to tell anyone, then there are support groups out there that you can go to & they will help you through it.

~I understand how it is. I watched my friend go through it and it was not easy for her. Her parents hate her and most of her friends won't even talk to her anymore. I'm the only one who stuck by her because she can't help how she feels towards the same sex. it's not gross or anything....just some people are attracted to the same sex. Don't let anyone make you feel like you are worthless or anything because of this. You are who you are and no one can change you. I would definitely recommend going to a support group. They are free and other people who feel like you will be there to support you mentally. That is how my friend got through it.

~I wish you luck & just remember that people may say rude things, but don't let it bother you because you will find love someday

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