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just get over him already!!!

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alright well...idk if this applies to the topic 100% but uhh i've liked the same guy for about 3 years. and in the past it seemed like things were gonna work out but everytime i begin to think that he suddenly acts like nothing happened and we're just like pals. now we hardly talk. pretty sure he knows how i feel. i wanna get over him so bad but at the same time i miss him a lot. im totally lost. all i feel now is giult and jealousy. help?

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as with everything that is related to emotions. you need to find closure. Best way to do this is just ask him how he is feeling. Odds are you wont like what he says, so after that your best option is to meet other people to get your mind off him.

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Hi SandraD,


I know how you feel I'm going through this for the second time with the same girl. I've known her for a few years now too but I have never really said anything. I think she knows but I'm not sure. Anyway I'm going to tell her/ask her finally. You have to do it to move on - that my theory anyway. Seconldy cut all ties afterwards. Its a little easier to get over them when you don't see/talk to them every so often. Hence why I am now in your boat again....I didn't follow my own advise Although Its alot easier said than done....



If you need to talk message me



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First, keep yourself busy. That will take your mind off him and you may get something out of it.


Dont go seeking for another guy because that will cause problems. Let it all flow and keep your mind busy with other things. If friends start talking about it, suttely change the subject and talk about something completely different. Though this isnt going to be easy as you have liked him for about 3 years so, be prepared.


I hope this helps as much as the last post please keep us informed on your position.




Good Luck SandraD

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yea ur right...i do need closure. so if i were to ask him how he feels about it, would i do it over the phone?...i suppose its time to do that, but im afraid he wont take me seriously...if that makes sense.


~thanks all you guys so much for listening...or reading rather...i'll take the advice and see how things go.

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