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Everything posted by sandraD

  1. yea ur right...i do need closure. so if i were to ask him how he feels about it, would i do it over the phone?...i suppose its time to do that, but im afraid he wont take me seriously...if that makes sense. ~thanks all you guys so much for listening...or reading rather...i'll take the advice and see how things go.
  2. alright well...idk if this applies to the topic 100% but uhh i've liked the same guy for about 3 years. and in the past it seemed like things were gonna work out but everytime i begin to think that he suddenly acts like nothing happened and we're just like pals. now we hardly talk. pretty sure he knows how i feel. i wanna get over him so bad but at the same time i miss him a lot. im totally lost. all i feel now is giult and jealousy. help?
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