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Appying heat to your lower belly helps some, like one of those bags you put in the microwave with the beans in it, heat helps bring more blood to the area and reduces cramping. A warm bath can also help.


Also, if you can stand it, mild exercise helps, try taking a slow walk for about 10-15 minutes.


You can also try lying on your belly and taking slow, deep breaths for about 5 minutes.


Pamprin is always a good last resort.


Cramps are no fun, but they are the cross that we bear... right ladies???

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The heat suggestion is the only thing that really works regularly for me....I have a microwaveable pack...heat that baby up....stick it on the pain...and lay down with a blanket and the remote control...and maybe a glass of hot tea to relax...or whatever it is that helpsyou relax...I swear by this method... I don't even need medication when I do this....and I've historically had some pretty bad cramps....to the point of almost passing out...



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If you have a really heavy period, like I do, going on some form of birth control might control the sevarity of the cramps and flow. Other than that, heat and light excerise. Yoga or some stretchs will help loosen you up. Try to avoid salty foods as well, they increase the bloating and pressure.

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