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Women on top position

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Yes it is normal. It's because he is getting deeper inside of you then in any other position. If you want to over come this then try try again, take it slowely, don't rip anything, that would hurt a lot worse. But yes it is normal.

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Thank you all so much for your advice. I really thought something was wrong with me for the longest time. I will try all of you advice. When I tried to talk to my boyfriend about it he said it thought it was because of my weight. I gained alot of weight in the last few years ive been active. I told him i was sorry I can not please him enough and he said "Its not like sex is hard". It really hurt my feelings. Hopefully this advice will work for me. Thank you all again so very much.! !!!!!

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"Its not like sex is hard". It really hurt my feelings.


What did he mean, hard for you or hard for him, and why did you say sorry, what are you sorry for?


I think you sound like a great g/f, you have a problem and you came here for help, maybe he should be saying sorry to you!

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