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I am confused!

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I would like to thank the people that answered my previous post and ask another question. After 10 year relationship, during which we were inseparable, what are the chances of her coming back to me? I know I shouldn't contemplate on this, but it is just so hard to believe that someone that pledged her love to you could throw out friendship and everything that we had for 10 years. I honestly did not see anything seriously wrong with our relationship. Obviously, she had time to prepare for this, which means that she was either an incredible actress or I was blind.

So what are the chances? Didn't our friendship mean anything to her? How could she hurt me so bad and at the same time tell me that she cares about me? I am confused!

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ive had the same thing happen to me although the friendship was for only 3 years.


it sounds like you might have had more on your mind than she did when it came to you guys, she probably met some new people that excited her and left you, hoping her feelings meant more than friendship, as an afterthought.


you might have lost a best friend but that feeling passes trust me, just hang out with your other friends (assuming you have them which you probably do lol) and youll find she'll fade away rather quickly, whether its 3 or 10. I hardly ever think of the person im not friends with anymore even though we had the greatest relationship possible and even took it to a romantic level (probably what ended it). Just dont let your feelings for her go making you chase because that will cause an embarrassing situation that trust me...take it from me on this one again...you want to avoid at all costs.


Good Luck



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sorry i just read your previous post and what i was typing has no bearing there so heres a separate one.


This girl seems weird, no woman turns down 10 years of a good thing unless it wasn't really good.


i know your telling yourself "it was perfect! shut up!" but chances are it probably wasn't were you a "nice guy"? * cough martyr.


thats right, if you smothered her with attention and put her happiness ahead of everything in your life than that might have been your problem.


I dont understand why she turned down friendship but then again women are mysterious arent they lol.


Im sorry my previous post was useless



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