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Ok, I've been really good lately. Trying to watch what I eat (not a diet, a lifestyle change), drinking lots of water, & going to the gym 5 days a week. I know I'm over weight & I;m working on it.

Well today at work was this guy Mike's birthday. Everyone chipped in & got him an icecream cake (my weakness). When he was passing it around he asked if I wanted a piece so I took one. Then he turns to a friend & says, I knew she;d take it. I literally felt sick to my stomach after that. The more I thought about it, the worse I felt. I only took 3 bites out of it & I swear have thrown it all up if I wasn't at work I felt so guilty. It;s jst so hard to be trying & to get negative feedback like that. But then I cheered myself up by thinking how hot I'll be looking by this fall & that he'll still be fugly......

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You need to know that you are beautiful no matter how many pounds you weigh whether its 85 or 500lbs. People only talk about people because they want to build their own self esteem or want to be "popular" or funny. I commend you on your working out, eating right and drinking H2O. I am only 127 but I have a gut that I don't find attractive and I can't motivate myself to exercise. But only exercise b/c you want to not b/c of what people say about you. Do it to make yourself feel better about how you look. I wish you well.


Hope I helped!



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