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5 months, still need help guys!!

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Hi everyone, I did post on here when i was absolutley devastated a while ago well I asked him to leave 5 mnths ago and he did back to his babys mother, who I guess he never really left (long story) I have had a few mishaps, i did ask him to come back at one point, and im a really proud person, so that made a dent in my pride a big one!!! but anyway i have sent a few e-mails since, not many maybe once a month, but he hasnt replyed, guess what im wondering is how does he do it, I have never given so much of myself to one person before, and I cant understand how he can walk away not even wonder how im doing and just not reply! I think a certain part of me still believes that maybe one day (sad i know) but my heart knows what we had was it really all that one sided and i didnt see it, any thoughts will be appreciated

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