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question about next step


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I really like this girl and we been txting each other for about two weeks. Add least 3 txt messages a day. I would like to know when would it be right to call her to chat in the phone so she doesnt feel weird cause i'm sure she know i like her a lot. Should i start now or wait? i know its a stupid question but i really dont want to mess this up.


thanks in advance

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Hm leave it for another week and then send her a text asking if she would mind if you call her. Arange a time or something over text's as it will feel less difficalt for you both if you arange it before hand. It also gives her a chance to say 'yes' or 'no' in the situation.

Good Luck,


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not my advise but from my friends before, anyways 2 things.


do you live in the same area? do you want to meet her eventually? what i know is that you oviously like her. i wonder if the feeling is mutual?


here is the advise don't wait to long coz if you do, then you will end up to be just a "friend" thats it. so act quick yet carefully. good luck

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i just got out of a long relationship..so has she..My best friend(also her best friend) told me "that if i was single for some time she would allow herself to like me more than she likes me now". It's hard cause she has already so many good friends and always talking in the phone to them. Maybe she thinks i'm bothering her if i call? gonna see her 2morrow maybe il ask her if i can call her..

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Your going to see her tomorrow?Well isnt it just better if you just talk to her then?face to face and stuff? B much better then after that you can like ask her if she would mind you calling her? I would prefer talking face to face but its up to you but id calling her soon find out and when she aint bust and go for it......

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