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Never really been the jealous type!!!!


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So I have never really been the jealous type, but recently I notice I have been having issues. I cheated on my husband (never actually having sex, but its still considered cheating) now everytime he leaves I think he could be going to see another woman. It's like I expect him to pay me back for what I did.


I don't think he knows about this, but what can I do to stop? I know that if I keep thinking like this its going to push me further and further away from him.


Any advice will be helpful. Thanks in advance.....

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Make sure that he has no reason to cheat - and is too exhausted anyway!!


Sounds like a joke but it really is not. If you can work on making your marriage happy aand he responds in kind, then your doubts will gradually fade away. If you allow them to overshadow your relationship it will slowly corrode.


Make sure he knows you love him, and only him, that you will never cheat again because you could not bear to lose him. Make sure he understands all of that by demonstrating it constantly.


Not a bad thing to do even if you had not cheated.

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well there was obvoiusly something wrong with ur relationship or u wouldnt have cheated, u need to talk to ur husband and find out if there anything hes not happy with and then if there is then u work through, get help if u need it, it sounds like u love ur husband so u need to work at it with him, i hope everythig works out for you, take care.

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  • 4 weeks later...

You are feeling guilty about cheating on your husband. The fact that he hasnt found out means that you havent bee punished for what you have done so you are punishing yourself by keep thinking he will do the same to you.


Although you are wrong to cheat you will not make the situation any better by punishing yourself. Concentrait on your marriage, doing things you enjoy together and set yourself free of these worrying thoughts



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