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I was just wondering, what are some of the generalizations that people have heard about scorpio's. What have you guys heard? Are there any particulars that have been heard? Is there anything that you know to be a fact? What have you heard about other star signs? Do you find anything to be just a lie or anything to be true?? Please respond. Im a scorpio and people keep making generalizations about me that are kinda true. Thanx 4 ur time!

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Hi there. Scorpios seem to be the most well-known of the signs..probably because of the creature we are associated with--the deadly Scorpion.


I, too, am a Scorpio. Like you said, many things are thought about Scorpios, the most famous being that we are a fire sign...because Scorpios are said to be a very fiery personality.


In actuality, Scorpio is a water sign. Last year I had an astrology reading done, which gave me quite an interesting in-depth look into my sign and the traits I possess as a Scorpio.


Being a water sign, Scorpios can ve very intense emotionally--feeling everything deeply.


Scorpios are rumoured to be very sexually charged--perhaps this is somewhat true since we do experince our feelings so intensely--We may tend to be sensual beings, full of passion. I know this is true for me. I have always been focues on the sensual aspects of life--I am very observant and love to ponder things. I also love to write--I think Scorpios tend to be creative people and have an air of mystery about them...and a unique sense of style.


Being a Scorpio gives you a bit of notoriety since we are associated with some fun qualities, true or not---mystery, danger, sensuality, fire, playfullness, sharpness of mind, etc.


What are some of the things people gues about you when they find out you are a Scorpio?

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people often think that I am very sexual and that my eyes are very... challenging. My eyes tell everything about me. I can read how a person is with my eyes and some aquarius' find that intimidating. Leos and cancer's don't. I flirt with my eyes too. O


I have also been told that when anyone turns on me, i can make their life a living... you know...


I have been told that i am a very stubborn person. I don't listen to anyone unless i want to.

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Plain and simple, the sweetest sign I know. How's this for an example: The Teddy Bear is named after a Scorpio, Teddy Roosevelt. Coincidence? I think not.


Scorpios can get a bad rap for those who are ignorant and only go by astrology's generalizations. One of my dear friends, who is an Aries, often hesitates dating a scorpio (I forgot why.) I, for one, love Scorpios and I gravitate towards them more than any other sign along with Aries. My best friend, who I know the longest, over 20 years, is a Scorpio and he and I are exactly alike (I'ma Pisces, though.)


What's funny is that I've exchanged letters and kept in contact with several pen pals from this site and others, and almost all of them are Scorpios. I find that fact out later when I ask them since I am into astrology so much, but I find it fascinating... in fact the last 4 pen pals I've asked or tried to guess their signs, and all of them are Scorpios. I get along with them so well!!!


Anyone know anything about Taurus's?

I'll tell you one thing: the only girl I fell in love with is a Taurus.

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Heres some information that I found on Taurus':


Traditional Taurus Traits

Patient and reliable

Warmhearted and loving

Persistent and determined

Placid and security loving Jealous and possessive

Resentful and inflexible

Self-indulgent and greedy




Being Attracted

Things Natural

Time to Ponder

Comfort and Pleasure




Being pushed too hard

Synthetic or "man made" things

Being rushed

Being indoors


The Taurean's characteristics are solidity, practicality, extreme determination and strength of will - no one will ever drive them, but they will willingly and loyally follow a leader they trust. They are stable, balanced, conservative good, law-abiding citizens and lovers of peace, possessing all the best qualities of the bourgeoisie. as they have a sense of material values and physical possessions, respect for property and a horror of falling into debt, they will do everything in their power to maintain the security of the status quo and be somewhat hostile to change.Mentally, they are keen-witted and practical more often than intellectual, but apt to become fixed in their opinions through their preference for following accepted and reliable patterns of experience. Their character is generally dependable, steadfast, prudent, just, firm and unshaken in the face of difficulties. Their vices arise from their virtues, going to extremes on occasion,such as sometimes being too slavish to the conventions they admire.


On rare occasions a Taurean may be obstinately and exasperatingly self-righteous, unoriginal, rigid, ultraconservative, argumentative, querulous bores, stuck in a self-centered rut. They may develop a brooding resentment through nursing a series of injuries received and, whether their characters are positive or negative, they need someone to stroke their egos with a frequent, "Well Done!" Most Taureans are not this extreme though.They are faithful and generous friends with a great capacity for affection, but rarely make friends with anyone outside their social rank, to which they are ordinarily excessively faithful. In the main, they are gentle, even tempered, good natured, modest and slow to anger, disliking quarreling and avoiding ill-feeling. If they are provoked, however, they can explode into violent outbursts of ferocious anger in which they seem to lose all self-control. Equally unexpected are their occasional sallies into humor and exhibitions of fun.Although their physical appearance may belie it, they have a strong aesthetic taste, enjoying art, for which they may have a talent, beauty (womely recoiling from anything sordid or ugly) and music. They may have a strong, sometimes unconventional, religious faith. Allied to their taste for all things beautiful is a love for the good things of life pleasure, comfort, luxury and good food and wine and they may have to resist the temptation to over indulgence, leading to drunkenness, gross sensuality, and covetousness.


In their work, Taureans are industrious and good craftspeople, and are not afraid of getting their hands dirty. They are reliable, practical, methodical and ambitious, within a framework of obedience to superiors. They are at their best in routine positions of trust and responsibility, where there is little need of urgency and even less risk of change, and a pension at the end. Yet they are creative and good founders of enterprises where the rewards of their productiveness come from their own work and not that of others. They can flourish in many different trades and professions: banking, architecture, building, almost any form of bureaucracy, auctioneering, farming, medicine, chemistry, industry Taureans make good managers and foremen surveying, insurance, education and, perhaps surprisingly, music and sculpture. They make an ideal trustee or guardian, and can attain eminence as a chef. Some Taureans are gifted enough in singing to become opera stars or to excel in more popular types of music.They are more than averagely amorous and sensually self-conscious, but sexually straightforward and not given to experiment. They make constant, faithful, home loving spouses and thoughtful, kindly parents, demanding too much of neither their spouses nor children. They can be over possessive and may sometimes play the game of engineering family roles for the pleasure of making up the quarrel. If anyone offends their amour proper they can be a determined enemy, though magnanimous in forgiveness if their opponent makes an effort to meet them halfway.


No other sign in the zodiac is closer to earth then Taurus. The main objective in leading a Taurean life is primarily (though not entirely) to maintain stability and physical concerns. Your inner spiritual sense longs for earthly harmony and wholesomeness. When you fully understand this, and work toward this end, you will no longer need to blindly reassure yourself with external possessions and comforts. A realization that finding this inner peace will cause all of the above mentioned positive things will overtake you and your life will be very full.


Ultimately the Taurean needs to discover their truest, deepest and highest values. When they know what is truly valuable, they are no longer chained to people and to things that have to do with lesser values. The greatest indication of value to a Taurean is beauty, which cannot be owned, only appreciated.

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There's a book called "The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need" by Joanne Martine Woolfolk, it's a big purple book that really has everything about all the signs that you could ever want to know. It even has tables in the back so you can find out where all the other planets were when you were born. It teaches you to cast your own charts. I think people find astrology hard to believe because there is so much more to it than just sun signs. Like the position of Venus in your chart affects your love nature, who you are attracted to and such. Your moon sign is equally as important as your sun sign, because the moon affects your thoughts, how you feel, whereas your sun sign is how others see or feel about you. And to answer your question about scorpios, I would say secretive, sexual, possesive, artistic, sensitive, psychic.

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I have known a few people who are scorpions -- but unlike you they all are boys.

What i found on them was they all were very boasting (though the fact was that from the inside they somehow felt that it was not true)...

they always thought they could do anything they wanted --- only if they just had wished for that .


Thats all... may or may not help.. but thats all i know.

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I am a Scorpio too! I used to read everything about scorpios and what they're like when I was back in high school, but even though I'm not as interested in the whole thing anymore I still find it very cool to be able to read the characteristics and notice similarities.


There are many things, but mainly scoprios are very passionate people. When we are in love, we are reaaallly in love and if we are angry...well you get the drift


Scorpios also take a while to trust other people, and they tend to observe and analyze others before they decide to form any relationship with them (friendship, love, etc). It's said they do this because deep down scorpios are very sensitive to hurt and betrayal so its almost like a self defence mechanism by being very choosy with those they interact with.


Scorpios are also said to be very sexy and mysterious (I'm not sure about that one for myself, but sure!) and I have read that scorpios do have a very intense stare. From my own experience, I can say that I have been commented on my intense eyes like you have!


Scorpios also like dark colours, especially deep red and black. They say it is a rare scorpio that enjoys bright colours like yellow or pink.


As for whether or not these are facts, none of these could be considered "facts." It also depends on the person of course. Basically these characterists are sort of a view of the average scorpio. You may find some characteristics match yours while others don't!


Hope that helps!

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All of the scorpios I have ever known were very sexually charged, they said what was on their mind, and they were stubborn and many times controlling. Not to say there aren't good thigns about them. If they like you they are the most enjoyable company you can have. If they don't...WATCH OUT. I'm a gemini...I get a long with female scorpios but have always had a problem with the males. I have never been attracted to a male scorpio--beyond the physical, because they are just way too open about their feelings, and sometimes it's hard to believe that they are actually really feeling those feelings or if they are just saying they feel that way for the sake of their own pride or conversation. Girl scorpios are gossip queens, and this can be a lot of fun for us ladies...as long as youre on their good side. Females scorpios aern't as likely to turn on their friends as much as male scorpios are. Im just speaking from experience.

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Gemini taslking here too. I don't know many scorpios, I do know a scorpio girl. i admit to have been attracted to her.... and she does have those eyes. but then she appears to be very passionate and afraid of relationships, she was hurt years ago and is not really over it. very very passionate. scorpio are water signs indeed, no fire there, just plain passion. They are also the most jealous signs, so if you scorpios find yourselves to be awfully jealous of your mates... don't be surprised


One thing I realize is that I should never be on the bad side of scorpios, they might have an attempt to make your life... unpleaseant. And ah yea they are a bit abusive, meaning they will keep you around while they need you.... and once they don't... ciao.


scorpios are the sexiest lovers and are often known to be awfully attractive people with lots of pretenders. that girl I know must be wanted by at least 10 guys. As a gemini... I'm not crazy enough about her to stick around... But i do like conversations with scorpios, they can be quite interesting for our quickly bored gemini minds.

Those two signs are said to awfully attract each other but to be quite opposite in their visions of life. Have any scorpios here dated geminis?

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This is precious. Honestly, you Scorpio's..


But honestly, at the end of the day, there's only one sign that can reign the top of the zodiac, and I'm afraid, dear Scorpio's, it is not you. No, not by far. The reigning sign will have to be proud, strong and determined to stay at the top. There's only one sign with those characteristics strong enough to stay there. That sign needs to be creative, they need to love their fellow kin and care for their position. They need to be so emotional so as to win people over.


So, we're talking about emotional? We're talking water signs.


Cancer? Uh..just no. Sorry Cancer, but you're not really a very big part of the zodiac at all.


Scorpio? Don't make me laugh.


So, the only sign left? Pisces.


Pisces are quite obviously to only sign worthy enough to be top of the zodiac. We have all the characteristics of every house below us, which is EVERY other house, plus more. We're far more emotional than any Scorpion could be, and we're by far the most creative sign. We're proud, strong, determined, and set our goals high. Scorpio's aren't proud. They put themselves down to get attention!


We can change to be ANYTHING. No other sign can do that.


And, to top it all off, you Scorpions think you're something great when it comes to sex? Oh, please. You haven't HAD sex till you've been with a Piscean. The Scorpion has their limits in bed. Pisceans do not. If you want sex, go get a Piscean. Only then will you trully be able to say "I have experianced sex!". You Scorpions are nothing in bed compared to the mighty power of the Piscean.


The Piscean eyes can melt any heart into doing exaclty what we want them to do. We're very good manipulators. We poke and prod our prey into doing what we want, what we need. We can persuade anyone to do anything for us.


And, even if you scorpions have your claws to atack us gentle fish, just remember, the fish can turn into one mean mother of a shark.


Good day.

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Sounds to me like we have a very passionate pisces here!


But, each zodiac sign has its own unique set of characteristics, including good and bad ones. To compare one to the other and trying to figure out which is better is like trying to figure out whether apples or oranges are better -- it just doesn't work! As well, the characteristics of the signs shouldn't be taken so literally...they are mainly a guideline of what an average scorpio or pisces is like. I'm a scorpio and I don't mach every single thing it says about being a scorpio, and from what you describe the same goes for you and pisces. In the end, it all comes down to who YOU are and not what your sign tells you to be!


BlueCoconut -- from what I know, geminis and scorpios get along very well! My best friend is a gemini. As for dating, I'm sure it's the same!

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