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We are all just people!

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Not really asking for advice, just trying to get a point accross ... maybe it will make someone feel good?


Why does everyone constantly try to be something they're not? Why does everyone want to be cool? We all try to hang with the "in crowd" and completely change who we are just to fit in..... Why does it matter what brand of clothes we wear or what music we listen to? Why do people label each other: goth, prep, jock, loser? Why can't we just see each other as people? That's all we are.....aren't we? We're all just PEOPLE!

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It's a good question...


We are all people... Just some people think they are 'more' of a person than others.

The allegiance to labels, clothes etc. - I believe people have this because they are lacking something - they are trying to find fulfilment and meaning in their lives.

Religion used to provide some of that fulfilment, but nowadays, people bow down to the Gods of Capitalism and Materialism, in the form of TV, Sports, Clothing, Music and more.

Few people really care or understand about our true (spiritual) nature in this ever-quickening money-oriented globe.

Humans have an innate need to 'belong' - a longing.

They long for fulfilment and meaning.

Sadly, so many believe belonging to some kind of 'group' or 'crowd' is the ultimate expression and realisation of their true self and will quench those longings.

People sometimes change themselves, because they fear they will lose the approval of the group they have alliegied themselves to - that they will be 'rejected' and consequently lose that artificial sense of community and belonging, if they don't conform to the group's criteria.


We use 'labels' because most of us don't/won't take the time needed to really get to know a person, so it's much easier to consciously take a very quick decision about a person's nature, and give them a label.

That's why physical appearances are so highly esteemed in this world. (Imagine how much is wasted on beauty each year - billions, trillions??!! Just to hide the insecurity of an ugly soul behind a shell that is all most people take notice of and base their decisions on.)


We are all unique, and different, yet sometimes we try so hard to 'fit in' with certain groups, and thereby stifle our individuality - we become almost like automatons, giving up our true self, in exchange for a false sense of fulfilment and belonging.


We must learn to follow our heart, and our soul. To proclaim our individuality - yet embrace that we are all one. We are all different facets of the same universal diamond - each shines in a slightly different way.

How boring would the world be if we were all the same?!


Not really asking for advice, just trying to get a point accross ... maybe it will make someone feel good?


Why does everyone constantly try to be something they're not? Why does everyone want to be cool? We all try to hang with the "in crowd" and completely change who we are just to fit in..... Why does it matter what brand of clothes we wear or what music we listen to? Why do people label each other: goth, prep, jock, loser? Why can't we just see each other as people? That's all we are.....aren't we? We're all just PEOPLE!

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I know this happen with adults as well, but kids can be cruel it's a fact. People like to put other people down to make themselves feel good. It's self hatred. So then someone else joins in so they aren't labelled.


But yeah I agree with what you say. We are people.


Crazy, but some people 'like' being labelled a goth, townie, prep, punk, rebell nerd ect ...


I think some people consider it to be a fashion statement. But not to the extent where it becomes personal.

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That's a question that I ponder all the time. I believe that people label people because they want to make themselves feel better than others. The "in crowd" are the people who talk about people and try to put others down to raise their own self esteems. Others want to be apart of the "in crowd" so that they won't be talked about or have their feelings hurt but the words the "in crowd" might say. That's what I've observed from my junior high and high school experiences.


Hope I helped.


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All I can say is that although it doesn't go away when you 'become older', there is certainly one thing I think a lot of people 'gain'. You simply don't care about the labels. I work in a bank part-time, and people will stare at me because I wear sneakers. I don't meet clients in person, so I really don't see why I should bother to look different than myself.


I was the same when I was younger, but I was really conscious about that, really like thinking about 'I can't adjust to a crowd or a label, is that wrong, no, etc'


Now it's sort of natural to not care.


Sorry to sound like a granny. Maybe it's a comfort to know that the pressures of being cool or not, at least 'lessen' when you are past the stages of school.




Some healthy thinking SaSaRai!

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Smart Kiddo! SaSaRai, for someone, especially for your age, to realize this? You are one wise person! Continue on thinking the way that you do.


I never felt the need to fit in. That's what I'm proud to say about myself. And you know what, it's made me one of the most happiest person alive! For you to realize this, it shows that not only do you know yourself, and are genuine and authentic to yourself, but most importantly: You are NOT fake! I always felt that people who try to fit in, lack a sense of self/identity. To me, it shows weakness. If a person rejects their own true self in order to fit in with others, they deny themselves from ever truly being happy. People like that BUG me. But hey, who am I to judge. If it floats their boat, then cool! I'm just not one of them.


If anything, I take pride in not 'conforming' and trying to be like everyone else! That's a part of personal growth: consistantly re-defining who we are as individuals. If anything, people with cookie cutter personalities tend to be one of the blandest people! We need more young independent thinkers in this world, I tell ya!

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Yes - I agree with the others - you are very emotionally advanced for 15!


Did you ever watch, "The Breakfast Club"? If you haven't, you should! I think it's one of the best movies, ever!


I think that in the teen years (and the 20s), people are trying to figure out who they are. Carve a niche for themselves. And, for whatever reason, the like to think that they're better than those people over there! Yeah - the people around me do that to! I think it's ridiculous. I agree with Ilse - after a while, you just ignore them. Who cares if you wear sneakers, if your job is on the phone? Anyways, it's ridiculous. If you watch "The Breakfast Club," the last line of the movie is something like, "we're all a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess, and a criminal." Something like that.

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