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I really pray to God and hope that I did the right thing...

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Its already been done...I told my girlfriend that I need time alone....she took it pretty well and told me she wants me to be happy and that if thats what i need to do I should go ahead and do it...but she also said that she'll let me call the shots...I just hope that in the end if we get back together this makes us stronger as a couple...

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However.... from your post, I can not clearly see what you would like advice on. Can you state clearly what you would like advice on?

Well if you and her have decided on taking a break and find that is the best thing for both of you to do. Then, fine. However, my suggestion for you, is to develop a pen pal ( email) type of relationship with her eventual. So you and her will able to keep in contact occasionally, and will have an updated knowledge about how each other's thinking about certain things has changed.

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I think it's also important and fair to discuss ground rules if you will. I mean, you need space, that means that you need space to think of your relationship? Are you going to date other people? I don't really understand the nature of your *break* but it might be a good idea to decide together that you won't sleep with anyone else until you know for sure which direction you two are heading (back together or apart).


Just be true to yourself and your heart. Think things through but try not to overanalyze and overthink; things get really confusing then. It's OK to protect yourself but keep it into perspective; make sure you're feeling what you really feel and not what you think you should.


Good luck!

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