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Im getting down huge.........

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I dont know if any of you have read some of my past topics, it dosn't really matter, its not at all vital. I feel really depressed lately. I'll explain and maybe someone can give me advice....That would be nice...


Ive been keeping as busy as I can, but its getting harder and harder...Ive met some new people, and they all seem to have lived pretty interesting lives so far, and have many many stories to tell, and are very good company.


However, I feel like I have really no stories to tell, and I feel like im getting increasingly boring. My girlfriend is one of these new "exciting" people. Shes around alot of adults most of the time, and has alot more guy friends than girlfriends, this dosn't really bother me, but she has had alot of past relationships and guys like her easily, but she seems pretty faithful this far.


Im worried about getting too boring for her, and my other friends. I try to do new and exciting things, but the thing is, the friends I hang out with alot (my good friends) are all low and unwilling to do new things which is another thing pulling me down. I feel like im extreamely unindependent, and I guess I am and dont really know how to turn it around.


I know people like me, but I want them to want to be around me....Im just going up and down too much and its ruining my drive to do things....I dont know what to do in any aspect of my life right now....Thanks for reading...

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you have to think to yourself, if you believe you are boring why do they hang around with you?? you are a friend to them, and at the end of the day not everybody likes to live on the edge. it seems like you are really self conscious about what other people think off you. not everybody has to be exciting in order to have a good time with your friends.

as for your girlfriend i think you need to tell her how you feel. im sure she will probably tell you that you are not boring you just dont like to live on the edge like her and most of your friends.

i hope this answered your post...

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It is okay to love old things and not to try out new things at times.


Those folks you are mixing with just love routine stuff. If you are asking them to change their styles, they would be unhappy, and of coz they dun want you to be near them.


For cases like these, find people of common interests, i dun believe all the folks you know love skating and only skating and thats it. Try to know more friends through them and know the new people better, you will know where you need to head for next.

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